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Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:10 pm
by Snake Diamond
myson wrote:

> I agree with you Snake that a site of this type would (should
> or could) work much better than a "name and shame" site.

> But let's take it a step further. This might not work as it
> would involve the ENTIRE industry (producers and performers,
> etc) getting behind it 100% but it doesn't hurt making a
> suggestion.

If, at least part of the Industry were onboard with this, it would at least be a partial step forward. It might not have to be so strict (as in your examples) to start off, maybe after it's well established & more & more organisations/companies/performers/etc get onboard, maybe then.

> Go back to the BAIHA idea and have an industrywide trade
> association. This association might then possibly have enough
> clout to talk directly to the NHS about having ALL NHS GUM
> clinics offering tests and certificates (not some do, most
> don't as is how it is at the moment), it might even be worth
> paying a bit extra for this service.

If the NHS weren't to co-operate, there are more than a couple of private sector organisations available to get tests/certs done.

> But let's take it even further.

> In addition to the GUM clinic providing the performer with
> his/her STI certificate, they would send an electronic copy
> straight to the performers profile on said website so no
> performer could fake a copy.
> Of course, that would mean getting over the "patient
> confidentiality" bit but it's an idea possibly worth
> consideration.

Just having the copy from the Performer themself, should be sufficient to start with, they would however, have to give all the contact details of the organisation where they got tested, so if any1 wants to check for authenticity, they can.

> Of course, such a website could not be publicly accessable but
> it would mean that, if anyone was an adult performer, they
> would have to have a profile on this website to get any work
> with the professional producers/production companies. No
> profile, no work.

To start with, if they did or didn't get on board with the site/association wouldn't stop them getting work, just the performers who are onboard/registered profile would get MORE work than those who don't.

> There may well be other pros and cons I haven't thought about
> but having read all the threads about this (and this is my
> first response) it must be better for people to throw ideas in
> the ring than nobody doing anything.

Well, if every1 does keep chiming in with ideas/comments, like of late, then who knows what might happen?

> It does seem to be pretty much agreed that doing nothing is not
> an option, it's just a case of what to do.

Exactly, from all the threads on the 3 diff sites I've been on over the last week, every1 is talking about something needs to be done.


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:16 pm
by Snake Diamond
I agree with you, in part. Most of the site could be open to the public, but the part I would suggest to be Industry ONLY access, would be the section of the site containing personal details of the clinics used, with the details of the client/performer, as well any details on the certs pertaining to the performers real name/address/etc.


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:19 pm
by randyandy
Have you seen Lana Cox's tits recently ? WOW

Your version would be much better Snake.

For me though a much better system would be something that does everything, fixed rates, info on models etc etc a set of core standards for the industry all in one place rather than a bit here a bit there and a bit more over there.

It would have to be something that engaged industry opinion and took it forward.

Simple really if there is the will to change but the will has to be there.

Back to Lana's link !love!


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 9:57 pm
by Snake Diamond
randyandy wrote:

> Have you seen Lana Cox's tits recently ? WOW

Umm, what does Lana's boobs have to do with naming-shaming ???

> Your version would be much better Snake.

> For me though a much better system would be something that does
> everything, fixed rates, info on models etc etc a set of core
> standards for the industry all in one place rather than a bit
> here a bit there and a bit more over there.

Well, every1 giving suggestions, ideas, etc, can only help in broadening the spectrum of what people feel could be of benefit to the industry, if this type of thing is to go ahead.

> It would have to be something that engaged industry opinion and
> took it forward.

> Simple really if there is the will to change but the will has
> to be there.

> Back to Lana's link !love!

Ahh, so you're ogling her boobs on a site, no wonder, LOL, but there is no link here. !sad!


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:02 pm
by Vinnie Bones
Snake Diamond wrote:

> Ahh, so you're ogling her boobs on a site, no wonder, LOL, but
> there is no link here. !sad!


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:57 pm
by Snake Diamond
Thanks !grin!


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:02 am
by isabel ice
Well done Kaz...

I know a few people that have suffered for their own honesty... If you didn't tell anyone, no-one would know you failed the test, the honest people tell everone and get a bad reputation... a vicious circle.

I mentioned earlier the online database... I think it's the best place to start. The results of your tests are the only thing that isn't open for speculation. They are what they are, and can't be changed by someones vendetta.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:26 am
by Keni
Which is what I was trying to say before, before and database is available to us in the uk we can make a start by at least bringing your history with you on set and being willing and honest with your co-op?


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:52 am
by harmonyluvver
The big problem with all of the ideas is verification. You can know someone for 10-20 years and they can have a good rep but that doesnt mean they will never lie or make a mistake. When you are dealing with somoeones career you have to have more proof than lots of people saying the same thing or going on someones reputation. Who would moderate such a site? I don't think I could always be 100% unbiased and objective.
A database is a great idea if it is done by the clinics. Otherwise its really no different to performers taking their certs to a shoot. Surely the best route is for producers and performers to take a more active role in checking up on the people's certs they are working with. Rather than wait till the day of the shoot everyone should fax/email their certs to the producer who emails copies to performers or find out who you are working with and get a copy of their certs so you can check them beforehand and refuse to work with people you can't check or just work with people you trust. Yes its more work but it's better in the long run and has far less potential to damage innocent people than a name and shame site. Still wouldn't stop STI's happening.