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Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:45 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]i have known girls in the porn industry who have done three seperate hard shoots in one day with just a quick wipeover inbetween, you cant beat soap and water.[/quote]

That's because too much soap and water increases the risk of Bacterial Vaginosis, by constantly washing away the 'good bacteria'. We don't have Yacult for vaginas as yet.....

Re: Samsung

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:21 pm
by Keni
Thanks for the wake up call Samsung,

Lets not beat around the bush, I state once again I do not know you and you do not know me but I accepted your apology.

I am also pleased to hear that you are a seasoned member of the industry, I respect the opinions of anyone with genuine insight and experience. Perhaps my immaturity and youth translates hostility where there is none but my 'mummy' did teach me manners and I know not to kick a sleeping dog.

Yes I do know who the suspects are, no I didn?t suggest it is all rosy in the garden and yes I did answer your question in the most honest way I could.

If there is anything more you actually want from me then please do continue? I don?t post on here to be drawn into every petty keyboard dual and I have nothing to hide, if you actually want to have a serious discussion then to preserve the interests of our UK porn fans please feel free to talk to me in private.

Apart from that I feel as if we do not see eye to eye or you have obviously misinterpreted what I actually said?

C'est la vie,


Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 3:49 pm
by planeterotica
Sam Slater wrote:

> [quote]i have known girls in the porn industry who have done
> three seperate hard shoots in one day with just a quick
> wipeover inbetween, you cant beat soap and water.[/quote]
> That's because too much soap and water increases the risk of
> Bacterial Vaginosis, by constantly washing away the 'good
> bacteria'. We don't have Yacult for vaginas as yet.....
planeterotica wrote:

So what are you saying here then Sam that it is not a good thing to wash you parts after sex or between having sexual partners because i can assure you that whenever i have sex which isnt as often as i would like but i always wash my dick and the surrounding area at the first opportunity.

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:06 pm
by Sam Slater
I'm sorry, maybe I was unclear.........

I thought 'Bacterial Vaginosis' and, 'yakult for vaginas' within my last post, would have been enough, but I guess not.

I was specifically talking about the constant cleaning out of the female birth canal.

Nothing to do with you washing your..............'bits'.

Re: Samsung

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:33 pm
by Keni

You really have my attention now Sir, lets not under estimate anyone?s intelligence here.

I did not pontificate anything at all, all I did was express my personal opinion in relation to the thread topic and answer your question of whether or not I would knowingly work with someone who works bareback?

If you find my opinion arrogant or pompous then fine I can deal with that but I know that I have not stated anything that is unfounded or untrue except that I wouldn?t be drawn into a pointless keyboard bicker.

I just stated the facts about the environment that I work in and you seem to have a disliking to it. That?s cool, I am not trying to please you. I am simply trying to offer up suggestions to help reduce the dilemma we performers and the industry are facing. Hence why I am tested every two weeks and not 30 days if I am lucky?

Yes, I have regular unprotected sex within a very small industry. I do not find it monotonous in the slightest but hey if that is your opinion then fine, why are you envolved in it?

Yes there are people that are bringing infection into the industry and I will distance myself from them. If I ever found out someone within the talent pool I 'choose' to work in was actively offering unsafe sex I would be disgusted but honestly what is the likely hood of us actually finding out and proving that? I have given you plenty of opportunity to educate me on this in private.

As far as I can see we are largely in agreement with these facts but rather than offering your own wisdom and years of experience to help move in a positive direction you seem to be expressing constant negativity.

If you want to point out exactly what I have done to ruffle your feathers please go ahead but if not then I don?t see what this dispute is all about? And I certainly don?t see where you get off blanketing the industry as stupid, I thought you said you are part of it?

Shall we end this now and agree to disagree or do you have more holes to pick with this ?stupid? porn boy?s opinions?

Over to you,


Ps. don?t say sorry if you are not apologising and it will not be taken as an apology.

Re: STI's & Rumours

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:08 pm
by planeterotica
Alice In Blunderland wrote:

> Well you can always use just water or a mild soap or just carry
> an enema kit with you I guess.

planeterotica wrote:

Now Alice why would anyone need to use an enema kit after sex, i know i talk a load of shite but thats totally outrageous !love!!thumbsup!!cool!