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Re:Let us give thanks!"

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:52 am
by jimslip
Again the prospect of witch-hunts against certain individials is unscientific and pointless. eg if a girl points a finger as some poor stud, because 14 days after the scene she got an std. She may never dream that it might have been her scum-bag boyfriend shagging someone else on the side. There is no real solution other than for everybody to grow up and accept the risks or get out of the business.

Can somebody tell me why our hedonistic, wonderful job should be without risk?
Why should firemen, cops, scaffolders and a host of other thankless jobs go with risks that people graciously accept, without whinging and moaning.

Yet we, who lets be honest generally have a wonderful time (certainly from the point of view of outsiders) should not only get to shag loads of wonderful people, get paid for it, if you please, and also have no risk at all.!!??
No that would be just plain UNFAIR!

Certianly if there is a God he is smiling on all of us doing this job. He could have made HIV airborn for instance or spread by touch.

Everybody should get a reality check, and read the papers and next time some poor cop gets stabbed, trying to sort out some hoodies brawling, drop to your knees and give's a little prayer you could try, " Dear God, thankyou, thankyou for giving me this wonderful opportunity to have fun, I promise I will try to do, in return, something good for others. . I know that I am wonderfully privilaged and there are people out there who are dying in floods or working in factories taking the giblets out chickens.I therefore promise not to moan and groan at every opportunity, because I know that in your infinite vengeance you might just get so fed up with me, that you'll take a great big dump on me for trying your patience."


A. Stud or A. Studdette

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:59 am
by Taylor Morgan
Hi Guys!

The risk of catching an std is something that all of us weigh up before we decide to go into this business, if you want to work in porn then as unfortunate as it is, it is a risk that you take, Just as If you're a fireman you may get burnt.... if you're a builder you may have a fall.... the list of risky jobs goes on and on but at the end of the day whether you do or don't make that decision is entirely up to the individual.
It does'nt matter whether people have valid std certificates or not it obviously is making no difference but what is important is if you do find out that you may even in the slightest have an infection then get tested and in the meantime take the antibiotics anyway just as a precaution, these days one mouthful of tablets clears 2 diseases in 1 hit so there are no excuses to be passing it on!!

Try to stay safe!!

Re: Jack

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:05 am
by videokim
Hi funkichadi

Thats alright i also didn't mean to sound pissed its just that at the end of the day the finger always points to the amateur side & i believe if there is real doubt don't let the two mix.

Kim xxx

With respect - this is ludicrous...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:04 pm
by JackHorny
Health & Safety legislation, corporate manslaughter, litigation culture and so on and so forth DICTATES that EVEN RISKY OCCUPATIONS - occupations with INHERENT RISKS do the ABSOLUTE UTMOST and I mean U T M O S T to ensure that all "resonable" - i.e. forseen and in many cases unforseen risks are nullfied/guarded against/minimised/prevented...

Why should the adult industry be immune to that?

Nobody does ANYTHING with the intention of it being the last thing that they do... nobody in their right mind takes on an undertaking believing it will result in absolute mortal danger with little or no chanc eof survival att he other end.

Of course - THERE IS A RISK in the adult industry... the Certs, and more latterly the introduction of the 30 dya standard was SUPPOSED to make things a bit safer... has the 30 day standard made things safer??

Answer - NO....

Why not?

Answer - because some are taking their responsibilities too lightly.

OK the Health & Safety Executive are not breathing down the necks of producers and performers and I can't honestly see it happening - but the fact remains - yes, there IS a risk - can that risk be minimised - yes - by NOT risking compromise of that certificate... should RESPONSIBLE performers be at the mercy of irresponsible performers..

JIM - I've read and re-read your post and I seriously have to wonder whether you're suggesting doing away with certs and just fucking bareback with anyone and everyone....

Re: With respect - this is ludicrous...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:17 pm
by jimslip
As usual on this forum no one has any sense of irony, or sense of humour. Of course I'm NOT suggesting doing away with certs and I myself are absolutely resolute regarding the authenticity of certs, eg querying performers running around with faxed copies and tampered with dates.
However if you read the posts on this subject people believe that with the correct certs and witch-hunts of certain people they can do away with risk...........well you can't, they'll always be a risk, so if you don't like it then get out of the business.
Hope you can see my point now, sorry I attempted to be a little light-hearted, because of course we are in a most serious business! Sorry I'm being ironic again.

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:02 pm
by fayerampton
i think the main problems are
1) there are not many male performers so they work with all the girls a lot in a short space of time so if they catch something they can easily infect most of the industry.

2) the amount of models that do private parties and bukkakes are a huge risk !!!!! i think if they want to carry on doing pro porn they should quit these parties etc !!! like i did 2 years ago when i stopped doing bukkake !!

3) the amount of girls that escort is shocking !!!!! there is a risk from this !!! especially as id assume most punters dont just use one escort ! they probably see several !

4) i know a couple of performers whos boyfriends sleep around behind their backs and dont use anything !!!!

there are 2 performers i will never work with because i know for a fact they have incurable stds !!! but i would never black list anybody else !! people cant help it if they catch an std from another performer !!! its not their fault !!!! blacklisting is stupid !! if i listened to all the rumours going round id never work with anybody !! most of this industry is fuelled by rumours and false allegations !! get the facts first before u choose if to work with somebody or not !!!

also after attending both BAIHA meetings a year or so ago i was shocked by how many people never turned up!!!! it was to help sort out all the problems we are now facing .....................

anyway rant over !!!

faye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Point taken - however, as a serious thread...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:19 pm
by JackHorny
I kinda expected better...

I simply wanted to make it clear that in other "so called" risky occupations, nobody flaunts the safety rules - if they do, they get what they deserve and unfortunately, many others suffer as a result - the same should be true of this industry...

The certs are currently the best safeguard to counter the risk - and nobody should be prepared to tolerate anyone blatantly flaunting the safeguards.

Re: Point taken - however, as a serious thread...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:59 pm
by jimslip
Its strange you think I'm being flippant. I take the test very seriously, I am tested before AND after a batch of scenes usually 6, even if I'm not working again for a few weeks. I always present an original copy of my cert. I also don't go out clubbing and shag strangers, or bend the rules when it suits me. I don't have illicit shags behind my partners back.

However this all means absolutely nothing if the people you are working with are not as responsible.

This is why i am flippant about this subject, because the nature of our business means that there will be performers who make a mockery of their tests, by shagging anything that moves, outside the business either for fun of for money. So whats the point of getting worked up, about everyone having certs, its not about certs its about personal responsibility.

So there will always be a risk, unless we all shack up in a convent together, all get tested on the same day and when clear only work together after that. Of course noone could ever leave the convent or shag anyone else outside the group.

Even doing this would only minimise the risk, HIV could still have not been detected in one of the "inmates".

You say "I expected better" you mean you want me to join the "mob" shouting about certs, as if this will solve the problem. I expect the very people you need to scold are not people like me, but the people who are neither members or contribute to this subject in this forum.

All the people who are dabbling in "camcorder capers" who "jump in" on a scene when the mood or opportunity arises. All the models who have let it happen and not asked for "certs". The models who are escorting and offered a large amount of money to go "bareback" and then do it on the basis of, "He looked OK, he's probably too wealthy to have an std".

I'm not passing judgement on anyone else in this business, this is why in reality the tests mean absolutely nothing . So check your tests, look after yourself and hope you're not unlucky, 'cause this is the best you can hope for.

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:04 pm
by Joe A
Because the UK industry is a small and very close community, I know that everyone knows what everyone else does. The names of the females who are doing the party circuit and the other unmentionable work are known by name I'm sure to most in the industry.

I think that it is now up to each model to make up their own minds if they are happy to work with those they know do the other work, whether the parties or escorting.

Unfortunately this is one time that escorting must be mentioned on the BGAFD due to the nature of the problem and the possible causes for it.

Regarding the models who are suffering or have suffered either Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. Chlamydia has only been easy to discover in the past few years and people suffered with this for years as there are no apparent signs. What surprises me is that some of those who caught Gonorrhea did nothing about it immediately. They are the people who others should be careful of working with.