Nick Griffin on Question Time

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David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »


First I agree entirely with your views on illegal wars. I would like to see Blair and Bush on trial at the Hague for the illegal invasion of Iraq. I have posted the same views elsewhere on this Board in BNP related threads. I have also stated elsewhere that the slaughtering of over 60,000 civilians in Iraq is indefensible. So in my case, you are arguing with the already converted.

You said "when Nookie Bear accused the major parties of being intent on invading Iran next on Question Time, not one of them denied it."
The reason for this is clear. Iran appears to be developing the capability to build a nuclear bomb. Given Ahmadinejad, the Iranian prime minister, like Griffin, has a history as a Holocaust denier and believes Israel should be wiped off the map, this is a bit of a cause for concern. As part of the diplomatic approach to Iran, the West's tactic is to rule nothing out and nothing in. Yes, that old cliche. That is why you wont get Obama's outright
denial that an invasion might take place. However given the disaster that was Iraq and the mess in Afghanistan, I do not think it that likely, but obviously given the history of the last decade, I would not discount it.

Finally, the way people through the centuries have created an environment in which ethnic atrocities can take place is by demonising and sub-humanising ethnic groups. So to Hitler, the Jews were controlling the world and had to be dealt with - six million Jews killed. To the BNP, Islam is an evil faith and the Muslim immigrants are invaders resulting in the ethnic cleansing of London. According to the BNP, its the Muslims fault for destroying what Griffin regards as the white indigenous, people's culture.

Some people have bought into this demonisation of Muslims and you can see that in their posts. Its almost as if the Muslims are inferior.

This is why I used an analogy which is non-racial in content to highlight the pain that some Jewish families (and Muslims who have lost family members in Iraq, I agree with you) have felt. That analogy was to a child that is abused.

I am a little surprised that some seem to find using a strong analogy abhorent. Is the pain of your grandparents being wiped out in Auschwitz or that of your family being blown to pieces in an Iraqi bombing raid any less than that of a child abused?

I dont think so.

In summary, a pox on illegal wars like Iraq and a pox on Nick Griffin and the BNP.
