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Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:10 pm
by Holly D
HAHAHAHA you really think me and Daz are the same person? How can it appear that I am using the same computer as Daz when I have never met him, never mind used his computer? lol
And whats with typing my name as 'Holly D' and refering to me as 'her' to imply im fake or really a guy or something? Why dont you go take a look in the actresses section on this site, that will verify who I am.

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a porn

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:50 pm
by videokim
Read my answers smart arse... you may want to voluntarily change your opinions.

Some people just piss me right off.

???????????? Chill out

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:48 pm
by Daz Savage
Well said.
basically this guy is so convinced that he is right he actually can't believe that any woman in porn might agree with me.
Why not ask your friends what they think of this guy Holly?

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a porn

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:50 pm
by Daz Savage
If that's your opinion Kim then fine but why complain really?
In what kind of world is it okay to call my friends "Common Whores" and then tell anyone that complains to take it easy?

Are you saying that you are a common whore?
Personally I don't think so but you seem to be happy to defend this side of the equation.

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:38 am
by Jessica Rider
OK I wasn't going to get into this but if people are asking for opinions then here is mine.

When girls (and guys) start in the adult industry each one of us draws our own lines as to how far we are willing to go, I like to keep my life black and and white, I don't like grey areas so here are my lines!

A prostitute is someone who is paid to sexually gratify the person they are directly interacting with.

A pornstar is someone who is paid to turn up, look a certain way, act a certain way, have learnt their lines (if applicable), be in the right place at the right time in order to make a succesful production. They are not responsible for getting anyones "rocks off", every actor is responsible for their own "performance" and if they are good performers it comes together and looks natural, everyone is happy and gets paid. They are also only expected to work with other paid, certed, healthy actors who are there for the same reasons (to make a production).

A "common whore" is a slapper who goes out looking to fuck anyone who can afford a few bacardi breezers and a bag of chips on a saturday night.

For me where the line gets grey (and why I don't set foot there) is when pornstars are paid by "personal collectors" who expect to take part in the "production", to me that smacks of a guy paying to get a fuck, suck, whatever but tells himself while ever he has a camera in his hand its a legitimate business venture and nothing to do with paying for sex.

Again I want to state that these are just where I personally draw my lines and I do not pass judgment on any girl or guy for how far they go but I think we can all safely say that none of us fall into the "common whore" catagory because we all have more class than that!

Jess xx

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:38 am
by Holly D
I couldnt agree with you more Jess, well said!

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:39 am
by Mysteryman

A well thought out and intelligent approach.

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a pornstar

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:15 am
by BigMattyP
Brilliantly put, I couldn't agree more :)

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a porn

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:42 am
by videokim
I wouldn't worry if i was called an whore, after many years in this industry i find these posts comical, some sad types in the industry will slate girls as they have under lying sexual problems so humour them.
All the escorts we know have monthly tests, always use protection, pay tax and have libility many models do this ?
When you have been aroud long enough attitudes go out the window, you pay for an esorts time the same as you pay for a models time, its all the same you have sex & make the guys come at the uses protection the other don't & no matter you glam it up its the same.
The good thing about knocking girls on here e.g.lower league models (if there is such a thing) & escorts etc is that they know how febble & petty this fragile industry can be which then builds bridges in other sectors.
There is no need beating yourself up Daz as this guys as shoot himself in the foot with his remarks so that can't be a bad thing can it?, this industry will come together one day after our Victorian beliefs are thrown out the window.

Re: What's the difference between a whore & a porn

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:54 pm
by Daz Savage
Hi Kim.
I know I occasionally grind my axe but anyone who follows my posting will know that I hate bullies and bullshitters and nothing charges me up like anyone hitting out at women.
There are some strong people in this biz but there are also some delicate types too who I will defend to my last soggy-end. Not because I am some dreamy wanker who imagines that I am a dramatic hero appearing on a white charger to rescue the damsel in distress but simply because when the only passion left is the passion to insult the weak we are all really fucked.
I'll remain humbly passionate about standing up for anyone who is either a pornstar who may not be sure how to defend what she does against this kind of high-handed codswallop or any escort or prostitute who has felt diminished by being lumped into the general category of "Common Whore" by all of this.
basically, you play the hand that you were dealt in life and any man who makes money from the adult industry would (in my opinion) be IN the adult industry if he had been born a woman. I know I would! (I was anyway so there you go).