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Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:08 pm
by Steve R
Flat_Eric wrote:

> ......Others will post blurry photos like the ones higher up in the
> thread that are supposed to "prove" that "it was a missile and
> not a plane".......

Those 'blurry photos', which are not particularly blurry (try Specsavers?), are the images that were released by The Pentagon itself.

Re: victims

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:00 pm
by Pervert
A very sensible post, kinetic.

It's amazing how often in violent actions, whether perpetrated by armed forces or terrorists, ordinary Joe/Ahmed/Slobadan Public seems to bear the brunt of it. Perhaps the truth is that governments are just terrorists with an air of legitmacy.

Happened in Israel, and is happening in Palestine; happening in Ireland; will happen in Iraq----today's terrorists become tomorrow's statesmen. That's the real conspiracy: why this happens time and again.

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:20 pm
by dynatech
You don't have to be injured or even there to be a victim of this shit.
Conspiracy or not, we're ALL victims, the world no longer offers what it previously offers and it's the man in the street all over the world that suffers at the hands of over-zealous legislation in the long-term.
Whatever bollocks is spoken about "democracy" and suchlike, politics is and always was (even when it wasn't even called politics) closely entwined with terrorism which is why they often embrace the terrorist (step forward Mr Gerry Adams as an example)... One man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist anyway, as in most scenario's these days the lines between right & wrong have become so blurred that we all sit and wait for the states official verdict of what is right and wrong. Whether we accept it or not there are millions of people in the world paying the price of political games, be they the starving citizens of African countries who spend all their money on weapons and war instead of clean water and food, innocent bystanders blown up by suicide bombers in the middle-east, relatives of dead soldiers sent to fight in a war no-one quite understands or simply citizens of supposedly advanced countries who's lives are being invaded by the anti-terrorism/anti-liberty/anti-freedom laws implemented internationally since poor old America was "attacked"

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:20 pm
by NandoRick
warren zevon rip- "c) they backed up internet nutters' conspiracy theories!"

Warren do you think everybody that dose not go along with the offical theory is an internet nutter ?

Have you ever heard of scholars for 911truth ? Take a look at there website and take a look at there members.

On the list you will find

Professor of Geology and Environmental Sciences.
Former Director of the U.S. "Star Wars" Space Defense Program in both Republican and Democratic administrations, and a former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat mission..
Former assistant German defense minister, director of the German Secret Service, minister for research and technology, and member of Parliament for 25 years.

thats just 3 of the top. ...the list is huge...take a look at the amount of professors on the list

No offence mate but i'd rather take the word of a professor on this subject than just some "internet nutters"

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:52 am
by Flat_Eric
Steve R wrote:


With all due respect Steve, I think anyone would be hard pressed to make out either a "missile" or an "exhaust" on that second blow-up photo that you posted.

Anyone that is is who isn't seeing a missile & exhaust because that's what they WANT to see.

Or maybe you were "tripping" when you labelled the photo? If so, whatever you were on it must be seriously good gear !wink!.

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:02 am
by Flat_Eric
Oh and Steve - I notice that you also conveniently side-step my question about if it WAS a missile that hit the Pentagon and NOT an airliner, what happened to AA Flight 77 and all those on board?

Obviously just an oversight on your part. I'm sure you must have a completely illogical explanation.

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:00 am
by strictlybroadband
Eric, I have a question: why are you so determined to believe the Bush conspiracy theory, despite its inconsistencies, but equally determined to not believe any other conspiracy theory, with or without inconsistencies. What makes one theory more acceptable to you than any other? Do you think Bush is an honest man?

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:22 am
by Flat_Eric
strictlybroadband wrote:


SBB, if you read my posts above, you'll see that I'm more than happy to go along with the argument that there may well have been a cover up AFTER the event in order to hide inaction and incompetence on the part of people and agencies who failed to prevent 9/11.

And when people say that in the aftermath of 9/11, governments saw it as a golden opportunity to push ahead with their various agendas, I'll sign up to that argument as well.

But for reasons that I'm sick of repeating, I just can't buy into the conspiracy theories (many of which wander off deep into lunatic fringe / David Icke territory) that 9/11 was some massive plot on the part of the US Government, the CIA, Mossad, the "New World Order" (whatever that is), the UN, the World Bank, NATO or the ghost of my Aunt Liza.

Do I think Bush is an honest man? No, not especially. But few politicians are.

I'm still firmly in the "cock-up, yes - conspiracy, no" school.

So I'll ask you a few questions:

Do you think that it was a missile that hit the Pentagon? And if so, what happened to Flight 77? And were all those hundreds of people who say that they actually saw a plan hit the building "in on" the conspiracy, on drugs, lying or what?

And if "The Conspirators" flew 2 planes into the Twin Towers (and even though we all saw it happen on live TV there are still some fruitcakes who insist that it wasn't real and was all done with 'stickytape & mirrors') - why then bother farting about with missiles at the Pentagon and JUST PRETENDING it was a plane there? What would be the point of that?

And how could "men in black" move around the crash sites, scattering plane debris "while no-one was looking" as some have claimed?

And if these were indeed suicide hijackings but it was all a "false flag" conspiracy, then presumably the CIA (or whoever was responsible) would have needed to recruit 19 (count 'em!) volunteers to pose as Islamic fanatics and then actually "die for the cause". How easy do you think THAT would have been, given that these people would presumably have been pro-Western / westernised agents loyal to the Government and therefore hardly "real" religious fanatics with a death wish at all (or can you in fact BE an Islamic religious fanatic and STILL be in league with the pro-Israeli "NeoCons"?)

And if the planes that were used were (as some CTs claim) unmanned drones that were substituted for the hijacked planes - what happened to those planes and all the people aboard them? And please don't tell me that they weren't real planes or real people, because I met through work someone who'd lost a family member on one of the aircraft and his loss was very real (or maybe he was some sort of government agent as well - how naive of me to think he may have been genuine!). I find such claims insulting to those people who lost loved ones on the planes.

I could go on with more examples, but time is short.

It's all very well trying to be "clever" and looking in detail at Dick Cheney's business dealings or picking holes in the 9/11 Commission Report and shouting "CONSPIRACY!", or quoting in detail who said what to whom at some meeting or other three days before 9/11.

Or just saying "Oh George Dubya is dishonest / evil / wants the Arabs' oil so he MUST have done it".

But the whole fundamental tenets of the conspiracy theroies simply fall apart when you start asking such basic questions like those above. Questions I might add that most conspiracy theorists invariably skate around or simply ignore. Because the answers invariably fly in the face of common sense and logic.

Re: 9/11 prediction

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:13 am
by Steve R
The people on board Flight 77 would simply have been killed, probably by blowing the plane up over the sea. The same would have likely happened to the planes which are supposed to have been flown into the twin towers. The planes which actually hit the twin towers were not civilian aircraft.

The reason a plane was not used in the attack on the Pentagon is that it cannot be done.