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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:39 pm
by IdolDroog
Really Marty ? Any chance of a job in 3 years when ive finished my graphics degree ;)

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:59 pm
by fudgeflaps
We always perceive foreigners as 'arrogant' when they don't respond to English on their own soil. The simple fact is, they really DO appreciate you making the effort to speak their lingo, no matter how malapropriated the pronunciation may be.

It's a given that when we have a foreign new start at work, or a foreign placement student, we EXPECT them to be speaking our mother tongue. Mutually, they have every right to demand the same when the roles are reversed, and we should be mindful of that fact. Go live in a European country, learn the lingo- endear yourself to a nation and nurture your linguistic potential.

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:02 pm
by fudgeflaps
The main anglo-gallic relations fly-in-the-ointment is what Al Murray, pub landlord, frequently lampoons: rolling over in WW1 / 2.

Sure, we have moved on............. but the mutual wariness remains.

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:07 pm
by Mojo
YAWN! What a totally warn out excuse for having a wide open boarder where foreign paedos, murderers, rapists and terrorists can seeming come and go at will. Maybe those "bloody lazy Brits" would be more willing to do those "jobs" that you talk about if:

1. The employers didn't act like Nazi task masters

2. They were offered a living wage

3. The working conditions were akin a Victorian workhouse

Now don't tell me, you'd be more than willing to do such shite hard labour, right? If so, I'd warrent you haven't done so in the past, 'cause then you wouldn't be so bleeding eager! I'd bet that those comments are made by some middle class sap who doesn't know what such crap "work" is like "working" for a bunch of Himler wannabes!

And if "employers" (hah!) can't provide a decent living wage, in decent working conditions with decent treatment, then I say those "employers" shouldn't be in business in the first place!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:46 pm
by Mojo
Who's to blame?

1. Greedy and dishonest politicians like Thatcher, Blair, Prescott etc. who'd kill the world (quite literally!) for a profit. Why is it, for example, that the taxes on fuel are so high in the name of the environment, if the c**ts still go around in a fleet of V6 Jags? And if it's for things like the health service, then why is it getting worse rather than better? Where's the money going? Blair's pocket and the pockets of his cronies of course!

2. Employers: As I've pointed out to someone else on this thread, the employers in this country are mostly lazy, tight bullies who think of their so-called "staff" as disposable and expendable entities that they can use and throw away at will. Why is our industries up the swanny? It's because our business leaders only think of quick and easy money in their own pockets, with no thought for the future of either their companies nor the country as a whole.

3. The naivety of the upper (sunday school mentality) classes, where they've watered down the law system in this country to such a degree because they falsely believe that crap like murderers, terrorists rapists, paedos, chavs etc. "must have a reason for doing what they do. We must learn to understand them, not punish them." How f**kin' stupid can you be?! Maybe, just maybe, the scum do what they do 'cause they like it? Now let's say what really should be done with the scum that I've mentioned. Basically...hang the whole f**kin' lot of 'em!!! Not only can you use the rope over and over again (unlike gas and electricity), but they'll be damned sight less scum in the world taking up our resources! And if need be, hang the liberal bleeding hearts who suck up to them too!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:57 pm
by IdolDroog
Awesome thanks Marty lol.

Well ive literally just had our exhibition today for the end of my foundation year and i begin Graphics next year here at Derby (ahem...only place with a good foundation course - and the graphics dept are great).

My work was my first ever attempt at graphics and got a good amount of praise and comparisons with the 3rd years work also exhibited upstairs :) - if u wanna have a look and gimme some constructive criticism email me - also if you're prepared to tell me more about your companies I'd be really interested.

As for the rest of it im dedicated to working towards being in the top 10% of graphic designers out there - super ambitious i know but i averaged A this year :) THAT's some serious conversation deviation my friends!