The BGAFD "Community"

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
Officer Dibble
Posts: 2372
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Officer Dibble »

What are you rambling on about, Deuce?

?I think the most important thing is keeping negative/positive comments in perspective.Both are just an individuals view which carries no more weight than that.?

If an individuals view carries no more weight than another individuals view, then why do they call on expert witnesses at trials? People who have a long record of service in a particular field, have studied in that field, and have insights into that field far beyond that of any layman? So, if an individuals view carries no more weight than another individuals view, as you are suggesting, maybe we could dispense with expert witnesses at trials and just call in Joe Bloggs, who might, fortuitously, just be passing the courthouse when the proceedings get to the stage when someone with knowledge of forensics, psychiatry or astro physics is required? If we take your argument to conclusion, the opinion of Joe Bloggs will carry just as much weight as the PhD, the Professor and the Nobel Prize Winner.

?The biggest difference that I can see in Brit Porn is the Girls
Whether you find them attractive is neither here nor there IMHO?

You don?t enlighten us as to what this ?difference? might be, but instead you put forward an argument/opinion, that if it was adopted by all and sundry on the forum would render any further discussion and debate pointless ? ?Wether you find them attractive is neither here nor there IMHO? ? Oh well, that?s settled then. If there?s no further point in discussing it I guess we might as well all chuck in our forum memberships and go and watch Coronation Street of an evening, hey?

You?re an intelligent chap Deuce, but you need to sharpen your arguments up. You need to be more clear and concise. Your train of thought seams to meander here and there, with no real point of view, no conviction and no passion. This is unhelpful, as it tends to muddy the forum waters.

Officer Dibble

Deuce Bigolo
Posts: 9910
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Deuce Bigolo »

In relation to offering an opinion about a porn flick a laymans view is as good as an Experts view because Porn is simply about becoming aroused

An Expert might go on about the technology used & the skill of the direction etc where as the layman will go on about the huge set of can cans on the curvy blonde bimbo.Different things arouse

?The biggest difference that I can see in Brit Porn is the Girls
Whether you find them attractive is neither here nor there IMHO?

I see you've cut my statement off at the pass
Quoting out of context to make a point is far worse than inarticualte meanderings will ever be

"The biggest difference that I can see in Brit Porn is the Girls
Wether you find them attractive is neither here nor there IMHO
because who I like someone else most likely won't but
they do seem to be poppin up for all & sundry which I guess is that killer saturation at work"

I'll agree I'm not the most articulate and meander but if your going to pass judgment at least view my ramblings in their entirety and not selectively as you have done

Unfortunately I Matriculated from the Pink Floyd School for English where the teacher did indeed "leave me alone"(42/100) so don't get too hot under the collar if I continue to muddy the waters of the forum with my inarticulate meandering 'sitting on the fence' RAMBLINGS

Posts: 10396
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Pervert »

If your comments are supposed to be inarticulate and meandering, I hate to think what that says for others.

Without your sensible, good-natured, decent comments on here, this place would be much, much poorer. And at least you are not obsessed about only one subject, unlike some we could name :-)
The Worlds Biggest Collector Of Ben Dover DVD`s
Koppite Till I Die
Remember - You`ll Never Walk Alone
Deuce Bigolo
Posts: 9910
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Thats true NOW but then you will never know what condition a Forumite might be in when posting

We now know Steve56 is on drugs
He said so recently and it explains much

Substance abuse would seem to be the biggest cause of not so coherent ramblings

Who could forget Magoos tireless efforts to perfect the art

Starting with his POO posts and followed closely by his armed forces(never to be disclosed radio frequencies)part 1,2,3,4,10,20?

Give me tolerance,compassion & humor over obsession(good or bad)anyday

Obsession has such a negative connotation to it

With my recent course of aversion therapy I'm almost able to view the name claire green without bursting a seam ;-)

Posts: 112
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: The BGAFD "Community"

Post by railgun »

Hi Everyone
I have always been reading these forums on and off for the last few years.
The people who come here to bitch and moan r just those negative and bitchey type. I post and read other forums... Wheather its about Volvos, Shopping Television or Shoes, U will always have those people who hate everything and have vicious opinions just to try and provke u. If u answer these threads then they have done there jobs.

Get to know regular posters... Wheather it be Volvos or British Adult Stars, u much not be swayed from what u want to do.

Always follow your dreams and make no apologies for the chioces u have made.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us