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Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:40 pm
by steve56
iturned the tv off when bush came on.what a drone.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:51 pm
by sandie
shiola probably lives out of london and isnt even remotely personally effercted by this incident.

if he was hed have more compassion for the people who have been effected instead of spouting off like someone who is missing out on all the action and having to stamp his feet hard enough to get some attention for himself.

u obviously havent spent all day on the phone trying to get thru to friends and collegues that are unaccounted for.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:54 pm
by steve56
im in paddington ;quite near edgeware road,and thursdays is usually the day i go to tottenham ct rd to a libary but went last monday.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:54 pm
by Bob Singleton
Shiola wrote:

No, Blair had adequate warning FOUR YEARS AGO when 9/11 happened, there was plenty of time to step up security to a level where this sort of thing could not happen here.



Exactly HOW do you stop a person walking onto a bus or getting on a tube and leaving a bomb?

In a free and open society like ours it is impossible to stop every potential act of terrorism, or are you suggesting that everyone is searched before boarding a bus?

Until you switch your brain on, please stop posting your drivel!

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:56 pm
by steve56
well he or she? must have had the bomb well hidden.

Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:23 pm
by mart
The rot started when those Celts moved in from middle Europe then it wasn't helped by that Roman invasion. Ever since there's been wave after wave of foreigners arriving. Send them all back where they come from I say.


Re: Major Explosion on the underground

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:26 pm
by David Johnson
This is a cowardly and despicable act. Every right-minded person must feel compassion towards those murdered and maimed and their loved ones.
I worked in London off and on, during the eighties and I can remember how scary that got on occasions during the IRA bombing campaigns. And this is a whole lot worse.

Having said that, there is a number of views being put forward in this thread which seem to me to be wrong.

Should Tony Blair resign?
No. As Fraser said to give in to terrorism is to leave yourself open into being bombed into subjection for all manner of political ends.

Has this event occurred because the Security forces have messed up?
Impossible to say at the moment when so little is known. But as Bob Singleton said, the bottom line is that no country however tight the security can totally prevent terrorist outrages. Israel has some of the tightest security in the world and that has not stopped suicide bombers.

Is this a result of lax immigration policies?
No. The vast majority of terrorists arrested have had an array of totally convincing false passports and aliases that have been used to travel around on. Clamping down on immigration will have very little, if any, effect on this.

Is Tony Blair in any way responsible for the events of today?
In part, YES. Blair was warned by a number of heads of government, some of his own security staff, UN leaders etc. etc. that there was insufficient reason for an invasion. The premise given for the invasion that we were in imminent danger of attack by weapons of mass destruction has been proved to be false. The view of many that Iraq would turn into a quagmire where it would be years not months before troops could leave has been shown to be true. The view that this country would be less safe from terrorist attacks rather than more safe has been shown to be true. Have there been any attacks on this scale in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden etc. - countries not involved in the Iraq war? Independent sources have put the number of innocent people killed in Iraq as 100,000. Is it not wholly likely in that situation that there would be revenge attacks?
