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Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:10 am
by videokim
We fall behind our counterparts abroad mainly because the UK is totally unorganized compared to other countries, with no structure, no unity we are all walked over by a Victorian styled government who fucks us over every step of the way which our fractured industry cannot fight.
The UK is now known more for its amateur style films like Germany & Holland because they are cheaper to produce & earn the same pennies as an expensive glossy movie, you will also find porn is going underground again as people are holding off putting films up on the net because of piracy & can sell their DVD's for a decent price by post because they are truly exclusive.
Yes because of the UK laws, conditions & demise most model do escort at some time or another & who can blame them, friends of ours work at champagne parties where clients are picked up by chauffeur etc for hedonistic parties where the girls can earn near ?1000 a day...that or a ?250 shoot no contest.
When & if we ever fall in line with our foreign friends & conditions get better porn will thrive but for now its survival where the money is & its sadly not modeling.
The new ATVOD laws have caused widespread panic but really its just another nail in the coffin by crazy UK laws, lots people will now base their business & upload from abroad & the UK will become an even more barren waste ground...

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:21 am
by jimslip
Well done to you, sir, for putting a positive slant on the UK porn industry. We are also marching ahead, with which is doing really well and is a FREE addition to I'm shooting a MILF series for TVX and Lara & I will be for the first time participating in a series, OFF CAMERA at the end of the year. A bit like "Terry & June" with fucking in it!

We update a completely unique scene every week and a completely unique Lara scene every 2 weeks. We don't film, "Extras" in these scenes, like smoking or stockings or whatever and then bung those bits out on another sites, we put all the fetishes where possible in the complete unique scene and that's why they are normally up to 50 minutes long. They've got chat, stripping, stockings, more chat, mucking around, so the end result, like in this weeks long update with Daisy Rock. it becomes, "An Audience With Daisy Rock".

The reason is successful is that we do everything possible to leave behind the "Wey!,hey!, hey!, phwoar, git 'em orrf darlin'" and then 3 positions and a cum shot routine, which I think is now dead, buried and pushing up the daisies!

I spent years duplicating porn and probably watched about 3000 films albeit in FF. This is where I learned how little actual erotic content exists in a typical porn film and this is what I've tried to do from the beginning in fill the scenes full of erotic content. (I don't mean a bloke in a Tux holding his dick through a hole in a box of Milk Tray, that's Europorn!)

It seems to be working. No one should be smug in the turmoil of porn at the moment, but if you can make a living you should be thankfull!

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:41 am
by one eyed jack
Well said Disanto

I'm not sure what this way hey hey porn is you arealluding to Jim but I htink there is something very distinct about that in UK porn by default that iti is british.

Britporn is the way it is simply because the brits have never overly seen sex as a serious thing.

I'm still making money and getting nice comments from emails for a lot of my oldest stuff. Personally, Ive never rated myself as a performer but the comments that come back mainly praise for the sheer enjoyment and sense of fun that was exuded.

Again, its just porn man.

By the way, Ive always rated Killergram on their business acumen and have told newbie producers that is exactlywhat they should be doing in getting new talent than just ringing agencies to do what everyone else is doing.

Its your selection of girls and what you do with them thats going to set you apart from the rest. Be nice to them,pay them respectably and you will OWN this business and ultimately just to be in business enough to finance that business over the years is a measure of success in itself.

Does that make your porn any good? Yeah I think so, if people are buying it they must like it.

Or maybe I'm just jammy because Ive been around since the Jurassic era

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:48 am
by one eyed jack
I gots to say, this thread is the best I've read in a while. We've had producers and fans in sensible dialogue without name calling and general offensiveness. Even Frank and Jim doing their old man routine of kicking each other in the shins was civil

Today was a good day. Well done everyone. Lets have more like this.

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:55 am
by Dave Wells
Yes, please let Dave Wells film anything fucking thing. I don't care where !

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:58 am
by Dave Wells
Sadly it's not as simple as girls not being used ! More a case of the work not being there !! Dwindling sales markets and free stuff mean there is no point in shooting if it don't sell !

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:16 am
by videokim
There are a few of us me included who are as busy as ever with making movies & doing fine but the industry as an whole is a right mess at present however we gloss it up, the reason we joined UKAP was to help as we have always done but the attitude with most is i'm alright Jack pull up the ladder.
John has been asking around this week & found a solution to a couple of fellow producers problems with ATVOD not because he had to or because he was on an earner...some of us may be doing fine but there are lots more that are not.

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:05 am
by one eyed jack
I agree with you Kim which is why it saddens me that when youdo help people, som eof them are suspicious as to why you are doing so.

Thats the same small mindedness that keeps people from progressing.

Why do i help people out?

Because I can

The good thing is, at least we arenot alone these days.I do seemore positive things going on amongst the negative.

We aregoing through an upheaval right now because the business couldnt keep goin gon the way it was without changing. Those who cant figureout a way to stay will simply just move on.

Dave! There is a bigger worldout there than just the porn industry and whileyou maybe having difficulty getting work because of your years in it you can still find a way t make a living.

Even if its wedding videos. The problem is though, you are a cameraman without a camera and you dont edit. These days people want those who bring something than knowing how to use a camera tothe table.

Thats how Ive got onto a lot of non adult projects and my association with porn was seen as a bit of light humour and curiousity

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:18 am
by jimslip
OEJ, Frank and I have been tearing each others throats out like rabid wolves for years on this topic. If you read between the lines it's all good natured! Only the other week Frank was made to put on his Hannibal Lecter mask, to stop him gouging out my carotid artery and feasting on my blood, after I made a disparaging remark on Europorn!But after his medication we were laughing and joking like old friends again!wink!

I think yourself, me, Killergram and others have a bit of luck on our side, for no other reason than we've been around for a VERY long time. I would hate to be starting out now, because even with all the money and hype in the World, it's almost impossible to gain an internet presence and trust. Sure webmasters will promise you millions of hits, but in the end this doesn't amount to a hill of beans, when it comes to people joining up.

Re: Whatever Happened To British Porn?...

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:43 pm
by one eyed jack
Very true Jim and yeah I know you and Frank are having a bit of a jolly jape, hence the "kicking each others shins like old men" !happy!