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Re: 9 Songs

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:18 pm
by malcom
Quote from Brother Blue which puts words into malcoms mouth.

"Other than the fact the forum member (Malcom) brought up road statistics and the fact that it has nothing to do with thinking its OK (like Malcom does) for kids to watch porn "

Another quote from Brother Blue telling lies...

I also didn’t say that you suggested that children "Should" see porn,

Well very confused Brother Blue you said just that in the first quote. (Note:- "Like malcom does") As I said before learn to read and understand posts before replying to them.

You got on a high horse and decided to twist every statement I made to suite your own ends

So for goodness sake pull yourself together and stop making an issue out of a none issue and bloody grow up.......

Re: 9 Songs

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:44 pm
by malcom
Just as I would have expected you have demonstrated an inability to have a sensible exchange of opinion. Getting your childish knickers in a twist and deliberately and maliciously putting words into a posters mouth.
No point boring other posters with this stuff... I am not going to continue with your tit for tat nonsense.......