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Katalin aka Kat Varga?

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:29 pm
by Dan Dares
Katalin aka Kat Varga?

If so...nice! ;) Hi kat, how you doin? :)

Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 12:35 pm
by sandie
monkey i have read ur posts with interest but really still do not know who u are.

could u be a sweet and mail me. i would like to talk.
i think u can help me.

ta chicken.

Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:35 pm
by MonkeyMonkey
Check your email.

Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 7:45 pm
by seymourpussy
Only a fool would not want to make things safer, however safety can only be implemented when it is practical to do so, wrapping a fireman up in cotton wool would render him unable to do the job which was intended. My point being the financial implications mentioned previously makes the whole thing unworkable and favours the busy models and big producers who can afford the luxury. The upshot being the adult industry will consist of the same over exposed faces by the same producers, new talent and producers who are currently working on a tight budget will not be able to survive........ to the benefit of the established producers!!! I being cynical?

Re: HIV/PCR test, the moment of truth has arrived!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:36 am
by David Lever
Thanks for saying what I've been thinking all the time. I agree, that we should do everything to minimise the risk. But I have a feeling that the people who are shouting the loudest are wanting to form a kind of cartel, in order that they can, 1/ Only work with each other and 2/ Increase their rates.
The result being to drive new performers out of the business because the PCR tests are unnaffordable, for most smaller producers and performers that don't get much work.

In certain respects, this could be good, because if we let them form a cartel, whereby they will work with PCR tested people only, then the rest of us can continue with regular antibody tests and I would strongly suggest, full STD screens.

The irony of the situation is that the "Top performers" who are demanding the PCR test are the one's most likely to work abroad and by definition are more at risk themselves.

I expect now to face tirade of abuse, re being reckless etc etc. But I honestly don't think the clamouring for the PCR tests is entirely honourable. Especially as we have seen, the test isn't foolproof by any means.

Re: Expensive for the girls....

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:19 am
by JFT Media
Thanks Jim, I will get you one in Brighton

Re: HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in U

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:23 am
by JFT Media
Dan is cost's more here as they run a different test in the UK (ie equipment as stated at the meeting) everything is cheaper in the US.

If you are only getting ?100 per scene, either (and this is to any male performer). Get better at your job, improve your look ny going to the gym, getting a tan or get out of the business.


Re: HIV/PCR test, why didn't it stop outbreak in U

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:27 am
by JFT Media
Send your email to me at and I will add you to the BAIHA mailing list.

No one can have every email address of everybody in the industry. We have had post's on here, on and the BAIHA web site is being built and will be up shortly.


Time I retired then....

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:48 am
by JackHorny
Not much further to add really...

Re: Time I retired then..../not yet M8

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:07 am
by David Lever
Don't let them get to you mate. I think JFT is suggesting: 1/ Get a suntan, 2/ Remove all your body hair, 3/ Get kitted out in the latest sports clothes4/ Learn to swagger about and act is if your God's gift to all womankind.
Then truly my son you are on your way to being hailed as a "porn stud". Of course it helps if you can keep a hard on for more than 5 minutes at a time and if you do, expect to be congratulated and demand that champagne is opened in honour of your great performance. Of course if you don't get a hard on at all, you can always blame the poor girl, "I didn't fancy her!". Finally you must constantly moan about the great service to society you're doing by risking your life in the course of making porn.
This endeth the lesson on "How to Be a Successful Porn Stud"