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Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:50 pm
by Ben Dover
Don't know about that. I've always given my respect and time to my customers. I don't think I'm up my own arse at all actually. I'm not downtrodden either, and realise just how fucking lucky I am to be in the position I'm in right now. Anyone comes up to me anywhere even if I'm at an airport with the family, I'll give people time, autographs, blow job, [shome mishtake shurely!] whatever they want. I enjoy it. And I think it's important. If anyone thinks different of me please say. I can never be all things to everybody after all. John mason is right. I do what I do because I like it. The whole reason I did this was because after a while doing feature films, I didn't find it very sexy. I wanted to make films that I would buy if I wasn't in the business. That's what I do. I make the film how I want to see it, and hope other people think the same way. If they don't fine. JP was going on about locations for some reason. They're expensive you know. Also he hasn't actually answered any of my responses. I want to know why he thinks different guys and locations make a difference.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 2:20 pm
by Ben Dover
OK were getting into semantics now with regard to the muppet question. I've said before that it's human nature in this hyper world we live in for people to say somethings not as good as it was just because it's been around a while. I've used sitcoms as an example previously. Most of the later Only Fools & Horses I thought were actually better than the earlier ones, but I'm not sure if that is the popular belief. I think Ab Fab is just as good now but I notice the TV press have said the opposite. I've never claimed to be super creative like Trevor watson who does some wonderful stuff. I appreciate what you say, so give me some ideas of how you would do it. I've even made you a once in a lifetime offer to show how serious I am. Yowsah!!!

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:12 pm
by John Mason
You just don't get it do you JP. There are ways of putting your point across. The best way is if you don't like something THEN DON'T BUY IT!
Your posts are bordering on rude "Then we get the likes of John Mason coming on to the forum", and you still wonder why I am the way I am on here! As I said you just don't get it and I don't think you ever will.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 3:54 pm
by Lizard
I,m coming down on Bens side here, he has the balls (sic) to put himself out there and do what he does, there cant be a person on this forum who hasn,t enjoyed his stuff, both male and female, and he manages to inject some humour as well, keep doing your thang Ben, there,s tons of othere stuff out there for people who dont appreciate a class act, youv,e done your bit and more for britporn, if somebody thinks they can do better let them put their money where thier knob da man!

I raise a tea-bag to you.

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:51 pm
by marcusallen
Bloody Hell
Ben got himself ejected by an asshole and look what it has provoked!
If you like a producer's stuff-buy it. If not -don't. You all do that anyway, so why have a pop at an individual.
Constructive criticism, I feel, will always be taken on board but at the end of the day, we all gota do, what we gotta do.

Anyway, I've been thrown out of better places than Olympia -most recently a Hilton Hotel - for smoking!!!

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:56 pm
by Lizard
Ps. cheques payable to M. R.Lizard, usual address....

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:10 pm
by riddler
can i just add that bens films are the only films i've ever watched where i've had a good wank and a good laugh. and its quite hard to have a tommy tank while your pissing yourself laughing. lol

Re: Oops! I did it again.........

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:33 pm
by Pk One
Theres so many films available now especially with the net opening up the world market giving access to 1000's of titles why does JP care what Bens doing? You order any film for less than twenty quid and recieve it in three days so why not buy what he likes and leave Ben to the people who appreciate him .i.e Myself and thousands of others! How about "Sir Ben Dover"!