Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

This forum is intended for the discussion and sharing of information on the topic of British born and British-based female performers in hard-core adult films and related matters.

A no-score draw!

Post by »

See the video clips for any "cornering". Linsey could (and DID) leave the booth. members can see her and Omar walking around the exhibition, well away from the booth. :)

Spamming? Spam is unsolicited commercial e-mail not connected with the subject of a particular newsgroup. Go and tell us the topics of the newsgroups where we put in the news about Omar and Linsey.

Your contract with Linsey is for a finite amount of time. I wouldn't get too hopeful when you claim a shoot with Omar would "never" happen.

As for "exploiting her name and popularity", I am amazed at your lack of knowledge about Linsey's history in this business, maybe it is selective?

It was not the Score group who launched her into the adult entertainment industry. That honour goes to David Sullivan of Sport Newspapers who made her into a big name. He invested money into making her a star. Who is the "parasite on Linsey's fame" now?

As we can see, Linsey has moved on from then. I'm not sure why you appear to believe Linsey will be with you forever. Ask Mr Sullivan.

"implication of rascism (sic)" - who put that word into your head? I just asked a simple question. Why have you written this paranoid attack on us? We didn't come up with the "racism" word.

All this has been about, is the fact that Omar has been asked many questions by visitors
to this site, about doing videos with various glamour models such as Jordan, Jenna Jameson, etc, and of course Linsey. Omar is a good friend of Linsey's from years back (see the video clip), and just asked her some questions, which she agreed to.

If you saw the full version of the video clip instead of the cut-down teaser, your attitude would change.

Linsey asked us for a copy of this for her site, which we are sending.

The proposed video shoot would be beneficial to both parties, so there is no 'leeching' off fame, because they are famous in their own rights, Linsey as a glamour model and Omar as a hardcore performer and producer/director.

Thank you for your feedback, although myself and others have noted how it is unethical and misleading.

Regards webmaster.


Post by John »

May I just say that, not only is this whole discussion tiresome, it is doing your reputation immense damage...

It would be true to say that I am not a huge fan of your material anyway, and it would be true to say that I don't really care what Omar does or doesn't do, or what his plans are...

But why perpetuate bickering on something that hasn't happened, and possibly may never happen???

The whole thing does stink of ramped up publicity for your organisation... Indeed, a collaboration would be good for both parties, but if it happes, it happens - then and only then is the time to see just WHO is interested in the product.... I can assure you this - I wont be... I probably wouldn't have been bothered anyway - but I certainly wouldn't give the over-hyped production a seconf thought... Look at all the commercial mainstream movies that get ramped up, and ramped up - the sequels to hit movies etc... the "will they, wont they" sign up for a sequel... the actuall eventually never lives up to the hype and the speculation...

You're on a hiding to nothing whatever happens... you've dirtied your image with the bickering, if it doesn't come-off, you'll look incredibly foolish - and if it does come-off, it will probably be over-hyped and less than inspiring anyway.
Mindless Bush lackey

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Post by Mindless Bush lackey »

thanks mr omarsclub.. yes this vidclip that would change everybodies mind, when are you going to post it at a location where it wouldnt cost anybody money to see it and therefore maybe change those opinions that you are a spam merchant.

it appears to me to be in your intrest to let people see this evidence?


Post by cp »

I'll second that...

And im not an Omar fan either...hes too routine looking and whilst im sure hes a nice guy etc etc, he doesnt connect well enough for me. Rarely convinced hes genuinely enjoying things

And sometimes big is just too big...

LDM should stick to the US. Peter north would be the best for her....those tits need some covering lol
shaun the porn

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Post by shaun the porn »

thanks to every one who has contributed to my original thread(it seems a hot topic ! as alan partridge would say) i was kind of aware linsey was contracted to score...but all contracts end some-time and i hope she leaves her options open!....but from the score material i have seen (her debut inc) the shoots in my opinion are a bit too clinical and boring...that fake studio bed-room ain't very good either....i for one prefer the buttman/dover/down/omar gonzo style which is some-times funny and more entertaining in my view. at the end of the day linsey has to pay the in a way u can't blame her signing some sort of a deal. if she decides to stay in the biz for the long haul then going the nici sterling route might be an option($$$$$) but one step at a time, and to me her and omar would be a good way to up her profile(forget that window-cleaner guy) and actually knowing omar might give him the capture her greatest ever performance....but only time will tell shaun

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Post by Samuelson. »

Lets hope it never happens,it would destroy her career.Thats not racist its just the truth.We all know it is too.

Re: oh yeah, a question...

Post by Izz...ard...Eddie »

Hi, long time reader... first time writer.

I also responded to this mail originally on Omars site and as per usual it was deleted. Being a fan of both LDM and Omar's films, I took great interest in the potential collaboration between the two... but like most others I remain very sceptical that anything will ever happen. Omar's site is absolutely rubbish (That?s my opinion). The term propaganda springs to mind, when reading all the adds his Webmaster has thrown into this forum, but what makes it even worse is that his Webmaster deletes almost everything that he/they do not like. When I read the 3 or mails between Score and his Webmaster... I was amazed at Omars WM audacity in asking when Score last published a Interracial Photo shoot (The answer is July 2002) when they have a Warning: Abusive messages (particularly those of a racist nature) will not be tolerated. We can trace any messages sent to the board, and get in contact with the author's ISP if necessary. If you don't want to risk losing your internet access, just avoid writing hateful material, it's as simple as that... So then why use words of a Racist nature against Mr David Uwate (Just for info, Scores movie's are just as rubbish as Omars).

We dont care about the Industries squabbles and Propaganda... why dont you just leave it all to Ben Dover to keep us all hard and happy with the quality he produces.

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Post by Izz...ard...Eddie »

I think its more likely that he will do one with Teresa May.

One Eyed Jack

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off? Attn Samuelson

Post by One Eyed Jack »

Help me to understand this: Why would performing with Omar ruin LDMs career?

She has done a movie already (which doesn't sound too good from opinions I've heard on this forum) so what difference does it make?

Re: Omar vs Linsey is it on or off?

Post by Richard »

You forecast that Linzi doing an Omar vid will sell big. Hardly. There is so much porn today that everything is just another title. The porn buying public is too jaded and bored. There is too much free porn on the web. At the end of the day Linzi will just be another girl in an Omar sex scene. Omar makes himself the star in his vids, not the girls. The girls are secondary. That is why Cathy B has not made one with Omar.

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