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Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:29 am
by bgafdfan
your link does not work...?

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:31 am
by Welshmorph
It worked for me.


Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:12 pm
by pbphotography
HIV grabs the headlines. This causes a stir. It is terrible for the people who are involved.

However it may make people here be more careful about certs here.

That can be a positive.

Please use this event to take stock and see what you can do to reduce risks.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:13 pm
by Josephine
well just to clarify I love to b/g work but if you want to book me I will only work with condoms unless its my Hubbie im working with

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:48 am
by Bill Malone
The BBC report says the companies on hold were Vivid and Wicked.
The tiny amount of mainstream stuff with Chrissie Canyons and Sylvia Saint that I've seen from this stable featured male performers all wearing condoms until we find out who this chap is we don't know what precessions he WAS taking (or not), he may have been wearing a condom anyway. Unlikely, I know.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:56 pm
by Tanya Cox
I agree from both sides,........

Ive done loads of condom stuff - once its on if you hold the ring for doing oral then you can't even see it,
obviously you can see it when doing penetration but they don't really stick out much and lets face it - most people like to watch what the cock does and where it goes not the actual cock itself, the only thing it really makes a difference to is the pop shot as there is no point using them then doing a facial, cim or on the pussy pop shot as you have just put the risk back there.

But on the other hand......

if every certified performer always used protection for both penetration and oral when ever working or playing in their private life with anyone who doesn't have a upto cert and only did safe pop shots (boobs, stomach & feet) then there wouldn't be any infections,
Its because some people in the industry are been selfish, careless and obviously don't care about there own health or who else they put at risk.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:13 pm
by Tanya Cox
Its a waste of time using a condom if your gonna take a facial shot,
if you get spunk in your eyes or mouth you can catch it just as easily from penetration ......

Ive been clean since may 2009 but was thinking of giving up back then as i caught chlamydia of the throat 4 times and gonorrohoea of the throat once, all from certified performers (off camera or for non certified work ive always used protection for both penetration & oral and stuck to boobs, stomach & feet pop shots)
only one of these times did i catch the infection is my pussy aswell - the reason was the biggest danger is where the popshot goes and its usually facial or cim,
the only time i got a infection in my pussy aswell i had also been doing internal creampies that month.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:37 am
by Lucy_Love
Whilst I agree that condoms do dramactically decrease the chances of catching chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV, there are still other infections that can be caught via skin to skin contact; warts, herpes and shyphillis.
Wart and herpes (same as coldsore virus) are not tested for as as many as 70% of the population already have the virus in their system (inactive).
Whilst not fatal (apart from syphillis, but can be treated if caught in the early stages), if someone has the virus active and is having, or about to/just finished have an outbreak (so no physical symptoms there), it is still possible to infect or activate the virus in others. Once you have had the virus activated in your system, it will go dormant and if you are lucky will stay that way for a long time, although people can experience frequent outbreaks which puts greater risk to others if they are not conscientous with themselves.
I am not posting this to scare or patronise people, but so people are aware that condoms do not offer protection for all STIs. I'm sure many do, but just incase. When I've discussed STIs with people in the industry most know, a few don't. When I have discussed it with my friends they have know idea as they obviously don't spend as much time in the clinic reading all the leaflets, but they should know. I don't know what sex education is like now, but they always used place more emphasis on pregnancy and not so much on infections, I think if people were more educated they would take less risks and take more care of there health in general.
Sorry I've gone off on one a bit, but this is an opinion forum and that is my opinion. I will jump off my soapbox now.
Much Love

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:58 am
by Love_Byter
Hi Lucy, personally I think you're bang on. No need to apologise as such. Everyone's got their opinion, and when it's an especially informative one such as what you've offered, there's definitely no need to think you're 'going off on one' on your soapbox! Far from it. :-)

You're absolutely right - whilst condoms may help remove a lot of potential threats, it is not effective for everything, and it's in everyone's interests to be aware of this, and take the appropriate action if applicable.

Re: New HIV scare in US

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:31 am
by videokim
Hi Tanya

We never do cum shots near the eyes & if its bukkake the girls wear sunglasses, oral is far less risk if shooting films with people who always use condoms & have certs.
In 12 years me or john have never caught a std & we have plenty of friends the same, we class bareback actors/actresses as high risk & only shoot with them now & again (with condoms of course) as the risk is to great.
Certs are not much use at all but the only plus point to them is that minor infections can be caught but HIV & HEB C can & will kill you as it needs 3 months to incubate & no cert yet protects you from this.