Brit Porns Dying

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by jj »

This makes a lot of sense- but where do you expect the finance to come from domestically? No British institution would touch it: and foreign investors would shy away from the legal obstacles.
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

For your info Dane, I have previously stacked more shelves than you've had hot dinners, so your comments should and indeed will be ignored from now on.
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

With regard to leaving it in droves. Can you imagine the answer when asked "well, what have you been doing in your previous employ for 20 years" at the next job interview. Er PORNO. answer bye-bye.
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

Dibble you are totally correct. I have deliberately watched the comments on this thread and been amazed at some peoples concepts of this industry. What this industry needs is someone with a lot of money to 'take on the Americans' at what they do. Because it wouldn't be hard to beat them. The ONLY person I know with that kind of money is quite happy with the way things are with his newspaper ripping off punters galore. So the industry here will never die. It will just become more individual and fractured.

Watching porn is of course all about taste - as making it should be. I for one would prefer to film with Andrew Blake/Michael Ninn type budgets, girls and sets rather than shoot Mavis from next door shagging the bloke next door but one.

Any idiot could see it is better than stacking shelves. But what they fail to see is that the way we make our living is going to vanish in it's current form and we are not sure where it's going. Mags are dying on there feet and dvd/video sales get less as the internet is takes over.

Part of the problem is probably in some of the comments posted on here from people who just don't know what it's like. Quality has nothing to do with it anymore. And by the way Joe up-market means bigger budget. It's not a comment on the social position of porn.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by steve56 »

hey golostruda,i certainly wouldnt mind wrestling with wendy any day.
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

Dibble contact me. We should work together.
I'd pray for funding but I'm an atheist.
A lot of interesting points on this, and some very stupid ones.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by jj »

Which were which?
Dave Wells

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dave Wells »

P.S. If anyone is intersted and has decent funding, I have a 100% proof money making (porn)idea. Not new but a dead cert to make a lot of money. I will ONLY talk to serious investors. And before all you cynics ask why haven't I done it already. I don't have the funds needed to hand.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dane »

I must spring to Dibble's defence there Wendy he is innocent, they were entirely my choice of words and rest asured I am cleaning my mouth out with soap and water even as we speak!

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Dane »

oh dear!...That rather confontational response suggests to me I may have touched a raw nerve with you! It was certainly not meant to offend anyone so that seems a bit innapropraite to me. o.k we disagree,thats obvious, can I suggest you grow up and deal with it, if you can't handul someone holding a different opinion to yours by all means ignore them , thats your choice, but dont leave messages for them , it defeats the purpose somewhat.