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Re: I've not been through this thread... but...

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:37 am
by TheDonkeyWork
Let's just say that his assertion that "any producer that breaches this condition will be LIABLE IN LAW TO US" is erroneous and ridiculous. The girl will be in breach of contract, the producer - absolutely not. I fail to see what law he can be claiming to rely upon. Perhaps he'd care to enlighten us?

Restraint of trade...? Not sure, though I beleive the Bosman ruling (contract restrictions in football) emanated from the restraint of trade laws applicable in the EU. The contracts may indeed be in breahc of restraint of trade laws, but then again, they may not. Dwain Chambers brought his case for a place int he Olympic squad under the restraint of trade laws - and failed... The judge wanted no part of it and strongly hinted that sports' governing bodies should be able to determine their own rules and regulations... this of course would be different. This concerns a contract applicable to only a limited, restricted group.

Food For Thought

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:02 pm
by CandiceParis

I am Ben from CandiceParis.

Its all rather interesting to read the posts being made. I am no Law Eagle, (though I had email from James who used to be involved with CP is) and he says that a Producer that knowingly shoots a BB CG thats in breach of her contract would very likely be liable in Law.

So maybe those concerned should bear the possible legal action in mind, I am sure Paul from BB has a lot of resourses to enforce the Contract far more than many fellow producers had to fight such an action.

Hope you all have liked our latest releases - two DVD's out a month and we are only releasing 10 percent of what we shoot (branded)


Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:28 pm
by Andy Mann
This is making me sleepy..anyone got any mucky pics? lol

Re: Food For Thought

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:41 pm
by one eyed jack
It really fascinates me that people who claim to know the law seem to hide behind alter ego names.

Come on James we know its you. Who is Ben? Besides, who is th eone thats going to be taking anyone to task about this? Paul or Hiwatt?

How can anyone be in breach of a supposed contract if they do not know who they are in breach against?

Thats like being accused ofbreaking a law when you did not know said law was in place.

I could very well say the same thing that anyone who shoots any couple I shot is breaking the law just because I have a model release and paper work saying I paid them.

James it just doesnt wash and I suspect the legal talk was really a nicely put veiled threat as I said earlier on.

Its not going to hold water in a court room and youve basically implied the same message by hiding behind a pseudonym.

I would rather a man just come out and say : "Dont touch my fucking birds because I paid for their tit jobs and if you do I'll send the geezers round to rearrange your fackin norf and sahf" (I guess thats stage two if you didnt get the message first time)

As it stands, he has put it in a more friendly way. Is this what you mean we should heed the warning because lets face it, the only time any body is going to be seeing the inside of a court room is to be pressing charges for GBH.

But er..Dont quote me on that.


Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:36 pm
by CandiceParis

Who are you?? Terry never heard of you!! I am Ben - if you knew James you would know I am - his son.

I will suggest you dont slander James or me, if you know James you will know he is MORE than capable in PUBLICLY airing his points.

So I suggest there is no need to be rude!!

You say awear of the contract - well as you have commented on the the BGAFD post you are awear of it - so shooting their girls or ex girls would render you liable.

Clearly your understanding of contract law is none existant


Terry 2

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:03 pm
by CandiceParis

If you really are of the mind I am James - talk to girls in the Industry - alot -Harmony Hex, Kasz B, Joe, Lolly, Michell b, Rio, Antiona, suzie best, have all shot with me.


Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:08 pm
by one eyed jack
Hi Ben

I had no idea James had a son working for him so I apologise for my ignorance with regards to that as I just explained to him on the phone.

You are right that my knowledge on producers getting sued for using girls under contract but I never said I was an expert on UK law.

If I was I probably wouldnt be doing what I am doing.

Having said that, the people likely to be using your models wouldnt be saying anything on this subject here of all places anyway.

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:34 pm
by Dave Wells
Welcome back Michelle !

Re: Contract Girls

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:39 pm
by one eyed jack
Producers do William G. I think people are just arguing the validity of all this.

After all, what else is there to talk about?

This is the hot topic of the day. Nothing like generating a bit of controversy for the day I say. LOL