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Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:56 am
by Sam Slater
Belgravia...................think. Just..............think.

Why, oh why, oh why would a young, 8 stone model travel 100 miles on a train if she'd already been told the shoot was cancelled?

She's not going to get up at 6am & lug a 20 kilo suitcase 100 miles just for the sake of it now is she? Also, it's NOT the job of other models to pass information on regarding the shoot. That's the job of the person who booked the model.

Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:12 am
by Sam Slater
You indeed got screwed over, and left with all the flak......

It was me who mentioned the booking fee, and I never said you would have got one, I said you wouldn't have refused it if the shoot had gone ahead and everything went well....

As soon as you take on the responsability of booking talent, then that's exactly what it becomes........a responsability. The guy duped you into taking that responsability, and it's one for the future no doubt.

If the girl wants her travel then she's gonna ask the guy who booked her. Otherwise we'd have a situation where everyone blames everyone else, and no one takes responsability.

Sorry to hear about the hassle you got, but no one forced you to book the talent, so I guess you'll think twice next time it's offered.

Re: This is what we're talking about!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:32 am
by missmojo

Hiya all, have just sat and read all the posts, this is nothing less than an absolute disgrace, the people involved want banning from the business, mind you after all this, I bet they will not get much work ! Also maybe, just maybe, this business needs a Trade Union !


Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:35 am
by Katie Fox
would someone please buy me a new phone please, one which recieves texts?

Anyhow belgravia (is that not the hair loss place?) i have my side he has his, i don't know what your motives are, but your support seems to be falling on death ears!

Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:54 am
by Katie Fox
no i meant 'death' ... like a subliminal message sweetheart, (i'm a schoolground bully remember) you've brought all this up when it had nothing to do with you, i haven't mentioned it for months, as for my friends, they have minds of thier own and don't take orders from me, they took it upon themselves to speak to wayne or not to as the case may be. The issue was with me not being informed the shoot was cancelled, i know what happened, so does wayne, you don't, you're only speculating for whatever reason.

But he says he's fine and is getting work so you've no reason concern now

Re: STI's & Rumours and terrible Porn Stars

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:33 pm
by Snake Diamond
This is why I thought the idea of BAIHA was a good thing, but it looks like it was never taken forward, or at least not for long.