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Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:07 pm
by GAZ3174
louiza ,i cant belive all this crap ,your getting ,in my eyes you rock and everything you do is amazing,just showing some support. and please come to work in northern ireland,then i might have a hope of working with you...


Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:07 pm
by nasty
Dude, I'm not familiar with the "naked lunch" case and I'm not gonna familiarise myself with that case for a post on a forum, because I neither have the time nor the inclination. So you may wish to ignore my views as uninformed opinion, however they're my opinions, so I'll continue to voice them.

The purpose of my earlier post was merely to acknowledge that pornography, in the UK is regulated and restricted. I agree that it should be sensibly restricted. However, if you take it to the streets, expect a backlash. People are uptight, people are repressed. It's their own decision not to indulge in pornography and I think that decision should be respected.

I want pornography in this world. Some people don't. If we meet each other half way and not encroach on each other, there's no problem.

I agree that there is an unbalance in society in regard to the popstars and t-shirts you described, but that's no argument to add to it.

A nudist's aim is not to titillate, a naked body on the beach; is just a naked body on the beach. There's no sexual aim to turn people on enough to buy a product.

And I strongly disagree with your assertion that pornography exists to "challenge the bizarre and gratuitously selective 'rules' and 'laws'...". You think David Sullivan thinks about that when he gets up in the morning, pornography exists because people like to watch people fuck -- and individuals can make money from that.

But like I said, I not calling anyone out this, I like porn. Just be prepared to cop some abuse if you do take it to the streets. Because it's not everyone cup of tea. It's like the people who play their mp3 phones on the bus; when I'm going to work, I don't wanna hear their chav tunes, but they're forced on me. When some people are walking down the street, they don't want to see semi naked porn actresses doing a spot of exotic dancing.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:59 am
by Lala_X
I think all this furore is quite funny......yes, we were there to promote ourselves!! Yes, one woman did get upset and I, for one, don't like upsetting anyone, but then I have to say that she was one person among an (estimated) 200 people who got upset!! Thus the vast majority had a good laugh and smiled their way through the entire affair and probably went away feeling a lot more cheery than perhaps they had been a few minutes earlier!!! If we were walking around shouting political propaganda we'd be more likely to upset people than doing what we actually did, which brought a smile to the faces of all but one of the watching crowd!!

It's good that people have their own opinion and I, for one, have no interest in changing anyone's opinion....if we all thought the same way what a boring old world it would be!! I welcome discussion but at the end of the day, all the discussion in the world is unlikely to change anyone's heart felt values or beliefs....let's just accept that we're all different and we each have our own way of going about things!! Mine is to have fun, enjoy my work and to bring as much fun and happines into people's lives as I reasonably can!! In saying this I'm also old enough and wise enough to realise that I work in porn, and whatever I do, however I do it and whenever I do it, that some people will get upset and be put out!! That's their business and their opinion.......and they are welcome to it!! It won't change me or the way I approach my work or my life!!

To everyone I wish a happy holiday weekend!!!

Lala x

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:01 am
by strictlybroadband
I wonder what people's attitudes are to events like the naked bike ride...

Ban it or allow it?

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:44 am
by Lala_X
Naked bike ride???....seems like a normal day at the only problem being sorting who's gonna be the bike!!! lol
Lala x

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 9:54 am
by lindsey
?Are you sure Gemma did not ask you to back her up!!!!?

Lol I don?t even know Gemma. You have a typical narrow-minded view of someone who thinks they must be right, and surely everyone who disagrees must be a minority.

I?ve got news for you, laws are there to protect the majority, and before you say ?most on here agree with you?, realise this is not a representative public forum, being a porn forum.

I don?t need to accuse you of indecency you?ve already shown that was indeed the case in your sample photos. And for you to say you thought it was ok to get your tits out and parade around in lingerie in a public place because someone else had already done it is no defence. (example - not guilty m?lord ? I robbed him yes but it?s ok because I?d just seen someone else do it.)

As Author: nasty already said -
?Well, it really wasn't all that spontaneous was it?
Judging by the earlier posted pictures. You were walking around town in broad daylight, wearing porn clothes, shooting "flashing" stills and presumably video. Whilst doing so, you came upon some dancing girls and a steel band and continued your shoot. It wasn't like you were out playing lawn bowls and just stumbled upon this scene and happened to be packing your fishnets and heels.?

You really don?t grasp the concept of choice and hence indecency laws. You say mums and dads were
watching with their kids and laughing. I?ve no doubt you?re right but what you don?t yet understand is that you took away the CHOICE of those parents who would not want to let their kids see that sort of thing by doing it in a public place.

We all love porn, but try to keep it right place, right time. If you have kids, would you like a man to strip of in front of them whilst your out shopping. Every decent mum knows the answer to that is no.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:40 am
by strictlybroadband
lindsey wrote:

> I don?t need to accuse you of indecency you?ve already shown
> that was indeed the case in your sample photos.

LOL! If your think those photos are "indecent", you're in the wrong place. You should see some of the stuff on our web site! There are people in this industry, some on this forum, who have spent time in prison to defy "decency" laws. The porn that you (presumably) watch is made by people who push the boundaries of "decency". If you don't like it, you shouldn't be buying and watching it.

Free-minded people like Louiza and Lala expect to get criticism about what they do from "moral minded" members of the public. What they shouldn't expect is criticism of indecency on a PORN forum!

Why not find some like-minded people to chat with - there are plenty of people out there who find porn and nudity disgusting, and would like it to be banned again.

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:52 am
by strictlybroadband
Lala, you give indecency a good name. !grin!

Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:33 pm
by louiza ray
Absolute rubbish! The crowd was so thick, nobody who did not want to stop and go out of their way to look could see anything anyway, maybe you are not her friend but you seem to share her views....As Limey Dick said earlier, kids are finding their Mum and Dad's DVD's every day but it is does not stop Gemma making them does it!!! She does not care that kids might end up watching her in action!

I just cannot understand why you girls who are supposedly porn models are coming out with all this, I've never heard so much hyprocisy in my life!


Re: Louiza Ray and Lala take Birmingham by storm!

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 8:06 am
by Limey Dick
At least you admit that your viewpoint is uninformed, but personally I always like to ensure I have genuine knowlege of a subject especially if I am going to spout off in public.

In the early 1960's the US Legal Authorities deemed the author William Burrough's fiction to be both 'pornographic' and 'obscene'. As such his novel 'Naked Lunch' became subject to a groundbreaking legal scrutinisation centering around the question of pornographic prose as 'art'.

Today Burroughs is hailed around the world as a literary icon, there is a museum in his name in New York and American Universities happily
construct literary degree courses around this once unaceptable 'filth'. Walk into virtually any bookshop in the world and there are shelves after shelves of erotic fiction which utilises notable 'horny' artwork and covering every possible arena of sexual desire and fantasy. Of course kids often freely stroll by these shelves on their way to the Jaquline Wilson unit, but I have never seen the likes of Gemma or yourself posting about this outrageous
moral affront either.

When I say porn 'exists' to challenge, I mean - firstly, in the eys of the authorities and the establishment, who historically from the writings of the Marquis De Sade, Oscar Wilde, the 'Oz' trial in the UK, Larry King's legal battles fighting to publish hardcore porn in the states and right up unto the present day - use purveyors and traders in sexually motivated entertainment and product, as 'cannon fodder' to test the strength and validity of their supposedly 'morally' flavoured laws and legislation.

That has been the history of pornography through the ages...

I'm sorry baby, but were you to dip your toe even gently into the water, you'd find that there are numerous 'precedents' ion the law books concerning cases brought against porn traders. So, absorb and learn please.

Secondly, you seemed to think you made a clever point quoting David Sullivan....Have you ever spoken to him regarding his beliefs? You've missed something here trying to be clever. Louiza Ray and Lala are pornographer's themselves, this stuff was shot for their OWN production company, nobody else's. They most definitely believe they have the RIGHT to release material like this...JB from Strictly Broadband is another pornograher who also believes passionately in the RIGHT to release such material not just the right to make money from it. In fact I would hazard, if you spoke to most of the Producers and Distributors on this board, the vast majority of them would tell you that they strongly believe they have a RIGHT to create sexual product.....

If they did not believe that and were doing this completely and utterly for money, it would mean that the entire industry is made up of morally redundant scumbags who were deliberately conspiring to pollute so-called public decency standards. In which case we would be a genuine threat to the state and I do not think David Sullivan or anybody else on here really represents such a menace.

Louiza and Lala are black women in an industry domainated by white imagery and content. They are models but they are buisnesswomen too. They are producing their own series, of which there will be many more to follow. Unlike you, they are already conscious that they are breaking new ground and as such are trailblazers for the next generation of black porn models to come.

If along the way, they also have to encounter distorted and uninformed opinions from people critiscising them morally for whatever type of behaviour, then more power to them. I'm sorry, but it is just very interesting as to why this little incident has seemed to have offended people so grieviously.

Keep up the good work girls!!!

Limey Dick