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Re: g/b shoot this week any females avail please

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:51 am
by Quince
I was gonna mention this when i saw it but i never thought it was my place.

This guy is a jerk, he started e-mailing me and after 5-6 he sounded very perverted and shady and when i said i wasnt interested he got VERY mean and angry and started calling me a whore and such...i have 5 diffrent e-mails for him if you need them...

Re: g/b shoot this week any females avail please

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:07 am
by Terriann

The Brutal Truth wrote:

> alelol you sad pathetic wanker. You obviously hate the fact
> that in real life you get no attention whatsoever from
> attractive females and fantasize of what it would be like to
> actually have one speak to you rather than look through you or
> just plain avoid you. I expect if you have ever had a
> relationship with a member of the opposite sex, you were so far
> under her thumb that you've still got her finger nail imprint
> in your head, however I suspect (as I'm sure do others here)
> that you are very confused about your sexuality and can't work
> out why no matter how much porn you watch, you find yourself
> spending too much time in gents toilets at railway stations.
> You are just too gay it's ridiculous. Getting emails or pics
> from female porn stars under the pretext of fake work will not
> make the gay fairy leave you alone, you are what you are.
> By the way, probably worth changing your nickname in future,
> just googling it, everyone can see how many different lonely
> bloke sites you've joined, even a swingers site claiming you've
> got a page 3 girlfriend! God that's sad.
> It doesn't matter what fake life you've created for yourself in
> your head, unfortunately for you the rest of the world deals
> with reality.
> In summary, fuck off.

lol!!!!!! couldnt agree more!

Re: g/b shoot this week any females avail please

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:08 am
by localad
Quince no way hun........ that is really bad !
Love your photos by the way
Andy x