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Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:28 am
by CharlieChick
Hi Everyone,

I'm Charlie, the girl at the end of the trailer taking the two guys and various objects and all I can say is I absolutely loved it!!! In fact so much so, I was telling Donna that I wanted to do it harder, try different things and even telling the guys to pull my hair and give it to me real good!! **********'s shoots are always good fun and a great laugh but having Donna directing this one really gave it that extra special twist, I loved everything about that film and I am really looking forward to trying something like that again soon.

Most of the acts that were performed on me in that scene, I had done previously in other scenes for various directors. Most of these films I would concider to be normal stuff that isn't really thought to be extreme hardcore, but Donna and the team get together and put it into one film, and you all start saying its too much! Personally, I applaude them for doing this film.

In no way at all, was I abused at any point. I do this type of work because I really enjoy it. End of!! As for the future of porn, it will only go as far as the models are willing to let it, there is a market for everything in this industry and a director willing to shoot it, we all work to the levels we are comfortable doing. I have my limits and this film came close to them but never once did it cross them, I still want to do more.

Charlie xxx

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:01 am
by kiNky erOtica
I thought I'd add a post as everyone else has... lol!

I talked to two people this morning, both mentioned this thread and have I seen the trailer... so i had to download it and look at it myself.

For me i did't get that bit of excitment, but in fairness, extreme stuff never really has done it for me, I guess I'm just like the normal stuff... But each to there own devices, what turns on one may not another and if we all like the same stuff, the film industry and this forum would have collasped years ago.

But I will say that if any girl didn't want to do this sort of thing they wouldn't, I only know Donna from a set I was on (did a few stills), and Lolly (worked with her twice). Lolly's is a great girl who likes extreme stuff (My shoots were not exactly what I would call extreme). But if you have like I have worked with any of the girls and you know what they do.

I guess it's hard to tell the full story of this DVD until when (and for those against "IF") it comes out. Any producer is always going to put the best part into a trailer to show full impact, we won't know that until the DVD been fully watched by some..

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 1:06 pm
by jackjohnson
I think what some people are trying to say is, they aren't saying the girls have been abused but its been put together to appear that way, which therefore caters for an audience that is into this sort of thing.

My gripe with it is, what happens the type of punter who is into this sort of thing starts to find it too soft? Where does he go from there? 'Simulated rape'(in which to me it is borderline anyway)? Most people who are into this sort of thing usually want more and more extreme stuff.

Jack the Lad

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:29 pm
by Bob Singleton
jackjohnson wrote:


My gripe with it is, what happens the type of punter who is into this sort of thing starts to find it too soft? Where does he go from there? 'Simulated rape'(in which to me it is borderline anyway)? Most people who are into this sort of thing usually want more and more extreme stuff.

Jack the Lad


That's the (so far unanswered) question I've been asking all along.

We have had lots of "we're not exploited" "it's all good fun" and "don't buy it if you don't like it", but a deafening silence relating to just where this is leading us all when the buying public gets bored of this and wants "more"!

Maybe all the performers enjoyed themselves... and good for them if they did.

However I know many girls who have told me privately they'd rather not do DP scenes but feel they have to as it's almost *de rigeur* and they'll get less work (and therefore less money) if they don't.

When drinking a milk enema (or whatever) from another girl's arse becomes the norm... what next? And what about all the girls who feel they have to do it and pretend on these boards it's all great fun... what about them?

Given the poor rates of pay in the UK porn industry and given the ever more extreme acts the girls are expected to do, it's little wonder that so many are turning to escorting as a better paid option.

Carry on making this sort of film if you want... just don't expect us all to sit back unquestioningly. I've nothing against people pushing the boundaries, but I won't let them do it without first thinking about what they are doing.

To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum's character in Jurassic Park...

you are so preoccupied with "pushing the boundaries", that I don't think you ever once stopped to think about *whether* you should do it!

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:36 pm
by jackjohnson
Another thing I wanted to add is my opinion on the whole "extreme" thing, is in my view the girls involved or who repeatedly do the whole nasty act(and thats what it is an act) just seem to be playing up to the camera, acting it out, and bascially the whole thing just looks competely fake.

The way I see it is some of the girls who portray themselves as filthy and nasty are doing so because they want to disconnect themsleves from the other performers, ie the girl not being bi when doing a g/g scene or not liking the stud they are performing with, which screams to me that its false and all the girl wants to do is collect her pay and leave.

This in no way shape or form pushes boundaries as its already been done(far too much) A lot of producers who decide to delve into this market seem to be in the thought that what they are doing is original but its far from it.

Officer Dibble, Bob you two are spot on and I for one am in the belief that a guy who gets off on the fact that the girls look like they are being abused is indeed a very strange individual. How can they get off on seeing women being sexually humilated, having their faces and eyes stretched, or even punched? Like it or not this type of thing is borderline "rape fantasy" and its there for one thing and one thing only and its to feed the wierdos who already have psycological issues.

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:09 pm
by MAI Productions
Now we have a complete turnaround in a point of view.

Apparently this looks like the performers are being abused, now all of a sudden it looks totally fake. Come on guys if you have a point please at least stick to it and not redouble your view.

Bob, where we go from here is entirely down to market demands. Something I would expect someone like you to know really.

It's the consumer that counts not moralistic hybrids

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:41 pm
by donna marie

Hi Jack,

which University did you attend to get your degree in Psychology?.. lol

love, Donna Marie xx

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:08 pm
by Bob Singleton
MAI Productions wrote:


Bob, where we go from here is entirely down to market demands. Something I would expect someone like you to know really.

It's the consumer that counts not moralistic hybrids


So if the consumer demands that, say, quick setting concrete be poured into a girl's fanny, you'll go along and film it for them?

Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:33 pm
by Cornish Chris
Has this passed BBFC ?? Or how many hours of cuts are they gonna require ??

I will personally be amazed if this goes through without major deletions.


Re: Xperi Mental Tailer now available

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 5:45 pm
by CharlieChick
I don?t usually like to argue on these forums, because I know how it all get blown out of proportion but I feel that I must put my tuppence worth into this one.

Lets be realistic here, If the wierdos you claim, ?the only sickos who watch this rubbish?, really wanted to find extreme hardcore then they can find much worse than this on the net, if they want real nasty, derogatory, woman bashing films then they only need to look to Max Hardcore or a lot of the American films to find it. I?m sure they would already find enough hard material to keep them satisfied for years.

You said it yourself Jack ?This in no way shape or form pushes boundaries as its already been done?. Like I said in my earlier post, a lot of the content in that scene I have already done separately in other work that no-one considers to be extreme.

But the name of the film implies it all, Xperi Mental. It?s a film where I got to experiment with the harder side of my sexuality. And that?s what it?s all about.

I got to try this in a safe environment, where I was in control and I knew that it wasn?t going to be treated in a derogatory, nasty way, just a dirty, hard way. And there is a difference. Most normal women (not just porn girls) will agree that they like a bit of rough sex, making love is all good and well, but there is nothing hornier than being taken hard and fast.

What I am trying to say is that not everyone is in two categories, either into normal sex with mainstream porn or raging perverts who will stop at nothing to get the next nastier hit! What about the couples who like it a bit rough and like to experiment with a few objects. I?m sure they would love a film that gets a bit harder without getting derogatory, which is what this film is. Lets be honest the trailer shows a random selection of clips which look really extreme, which was intended. But I still don?t see anything in the trailer which I would consider to be abusive, nasty or derogatory.

And as for this bullcrap about girls not being able to get work unless they work to hard levels, its total toss. There is so much work out there for the softer levels that that?s all I have been doing recently. From TV channels to CFNM to just plain old g/g and I have been rushed off my feet. Since Christmas I have been offered and only done 1 hard shoot and that was this one!! So don?t try and tell me that the only work available is for extreme girls. We all know are limits and can find various work to suit. And we can all say NO! It?s like saying no girl will get any g/g work unless she does b/g!!

The future of British porn, as I said earlier, will depend on how far the girls are willing go. There is a market for everything in this industry and of course, a director willing to shoot it. There will always be girls who enjoy doing hard things and guys who enjoy watching it. But you know really, it?s not going to get much harder than it is already. It doesn?t matter how much customers request something like, I dunno, quadruple anal, they aint gonna get it unless there is a girl willing to do it. To be honest, if it were to cause someone extreme pain or physical harm, then no-one in the right mind would do anything like that. We all work to levels we feel comfortable, and no amount of money will make a girl take a job she doesn?t want to do. Talk of cement and guns, come on now, grow up boys!!