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Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:16 am
by Andy74
I understand your concerns Tequila, but I do not see any way at all that anything can be done.

Certs mean bugger all. Someone can go for there checks on Monday and get a cert but go out Tuesday and sleep with someone who passes on an STD, but for the next 29 days they have a valid cert. So to me I do not see the point in them.

As for condoms, well come on, how many people would ever seriously use a condom? if you're going to wear a rubber then you may as well not be doing it. I've never worn one and never would, okay I am not a performer and I haven't had hundreds of partners, but as an everyday average bloke I would never wear a condom and of all my 15 or so sexual partners (Yes I know it's not much, I guess I must be a bit sad) none have ever asked me to use a condom and if they had they'd have been told where to go, expecting a partner to wear a condom is saying you don't trust that person and if you don't trust them then why the hell would you want to have sex with them???

That's my two cents.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:30 am
by JackHorny
I am literally AMAZED... If what you're saying is true then I'm absolutely gob-smacked... truly, i am!

However, I tend to think you're posting in order to cause ructions - I think the technical term is Trolling - so I'd ask people to overlook this response to what has otherwise been a positive and important thread.

Re: Jack

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:42 am
by Tequila_Woods
I completely agree. Andy - You're a very foolish man.

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:49 am
by videokim
Tequila is right with fortnightly tests as HIV can take up to 3 months to show. Most models i know escort as there is not enough money in the UK industry to just do films, as long as they use protection & take regular tests all should be fine. For models doing Bukkakes & Parties don't use these for Pro shoots. The same goes for Amateurs unless they are getting regular tests (which is not many).
Take the bull by the horns & make some unwritten rules between yourselves & don't change it, blacklist people wanting to work the Pro curcuit who don't have regular tests or who have unprotected sex outside the Pro industry.
And finally if there are any blacklisted people please let the Amateur industry know as we do get Pro stars who all of a sudden want to work with just Amateurs which makes us very worried & usually i say no just to be safe.

Kim xxx

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:57 am
by paul jones

I suspect that some of this thread is refering to me, partly because I've been told about the rumours. Some isn't (at least one part of the discussion I've heard about, but not about me). Some is chinese whispers.

Of course you can't stop rumours, so here's the world as I see it.

And NONE of this is aimed at Tequila, who is just raising an issue and did so without mentioning any details.

I have been in this industry since 1999.

I have tested positive twice for Chlamydia since 1999, - in 2000 and late last summer.

I did not work until cleared.

My social sex is always protected but as part of this post I went looking for info.


Condoms provide no reduction in the transmission of the human papilloma virus (HPV) or Trichomonas vaginalis.
Syphilis transmission is reduced 29% for typical use. It is reduced 50 to 71% when condoms are used correctly 100% of the time.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia transmission is reduced by approximately 50% even when condoms are used 100% of the time.
Genital herpes transmission is reduced by approximately 40%
HIV transmission is reduced by approximately 85% when condoms are used correctly 100% of the time.

Which should make everyone think - it has me. Certainly I stand by my personal opinion that gang bang parties and bukkakes are high risk. It also impies that chlamydia is always going to be doing the rounds even if people are careful in their personal lives becasue it only takes a few people to be busy working to keep it spreading.


I am always up front about my certs dates. People can choose to shoot me or not.

Typically I've had new certs every 4-6 shoots, and because I'm at the amature end, around half the shoots have been protected anyway.

For some busy performers (or even people with a busy casual sex life) to be that safe would mean tests nearly every week.

Now I'm in London, I'll have 30 days ones.

New Girls and Certs/Protection

I used to take the view that it was Ok to work with a new girl, or one who did very little work (if from outside London because outside London waiting lists were long and certs hard to get) because she would be low risk.

I have changed my mind.

Over 5 years I probably did no more than 7-8 shoots on that basis. The last one being early summer.

Castings and New Girls

Each month I get 3-4 girls contact me about getting into porn - and most of them change their mind when I tell them about the industry, what's involved etc.

But if I can't put them off...

Until earlier this year I had a producer who was willing to take the risk of a no show for any girl who seemed serious. So if a girl was interested we would just arrange a paid shoot for her. Sometimes she wouldn't turn up. But he accepted that as part of the risk of working with new girls.

Since I'm not a producer or agent and not shooting commercially, I tell girls that if they are serious I can certainly point them at people, if I know they are for real. The way to prove that is to do it. It's also a way for them to make sure that they really CAN do it without being under the pressure of a full shoot.

It's not a casting, it's a test of how serious they are, and I make no money from it.

This year I have had (out of maybe 20 or so who have contacted me) 4 girls arrange to do the test shoot, and 3 were no shows. Well I'd rather they wasted my time than a producers.

The one who turned up and did it I gave a load of contacts to and she has done very well for herself.

If any producers out there want me to pass girls on to them on the basis that they haven't ever done BG, and can't be sure that the girl in the pics is the person who is talking/emailing and don't know if they will bottle out, I'd be happy to. But don't blame me if they no show, (which producers have done when I've passed them girls on this basis, like I'm an agent or something).

Fake Certs

I've heard of these from Eastern Europe, (which is why I posted the other thread, also real certs with fake info from there), but not of any cases in the UK.

However the Regents Park Clinic, now that it has been taken over, has started to email the results of tests as simple text files, and that would be easy to fake.

Clinics should do certs on headed paper, and signed.

Re: Andy...

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:03 am
by Andy74
No Jack I wasn't trying to cause any ructions, I was just giving my opinion as I see it. I'm not a performer or a producer so perhaps I don't see things the same, I was just giving the view of the average man in the street.

Re: A big problem in the adult indsutry at the moment

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:08 am
by Cornish Chris
Thankfully we are not talking HIV here, were talking STD's such as gonnorhea and clamydiah.

As its already been stated many male & female performers, do the Party/Escort scene, and make great play that they offer a PSE (Porn Star Experience) Im affraid this in 90% of all cases includes uncovered oral.
IMHO yes this does render a certificate as useless, and comprimised.
I'm really not suprised that this situation has happened, but very sad that people who do act sensibly might have been innocently infected.

Nuff Said CC.

Re: Jack

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:30 am
by videokim
Hi funkichadi

I can't see the point you made about 'Terry's Real couples' ?
The amateur people setting themselves up as producers as been going on for years with most going a lot longer than some Pro companies around, we see a lot of Pro companies who try to hit the big time then vanish but we still plod on behind the scenes. The Amateur industry is a thousand times bigger than the Pro industry & will always be there, we always get the 'new on the scene' Pro producers who want to put barriers between the 2 but both industries know the genuine ones & there is respect on both sides of the fence.

Kim xxx