Tory Leadership

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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by m100 »

Could Boris go down as the shortest serving Prime Minister and the only one never to win a vote in the House of Commons?

Come on Nina your people await.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by spider »

When I saw Johnson on TV last night making his "speech" in front of a mass rank of coppers I was shocked. This isn't British. The fuzz are supposed to be non political. That was something straight out of Trump's playbook.

I expect to see the blithering idiot wearing a "make Britain great again" baseball cap next.

I was pleased to see he got a kicking for that stunt in the media today.

Really pleased to see that with Johnson now he just gets a good kicking every day every time he shows his face or opens his mouth.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving chap.

It would appear we have seen the last of Nina.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by sparky »

Overall what do the MP's want ? Note I say the MP's not those members of the public who voted in the referendum who they are supposed to represent.

They rejected the final deal offered by Theresa May(hem). The EU could stick to their words and refuse to change this, after all they too must be fed up with the UK politicians plus not want to use any more time on UK Brexit.

They now have a law that blocks leaving the EU with no deal.

They do not want an election before the end of October.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by m100 »

Maybe Nina is Boris!

Sparky you are right mp's don't know what they want. But that is because they are inept. They are the same sort of people who slide up the management ladder in councils, health authorities and social care without ever knowing what they are doing. They shuffle paper for five years in one job, make no radical decisions to reveal their ineptitude and then start applying for the next one up.

The whole referendum was never designed to bring about a leave vote so it has a basic flaw. It was designed by the tory party to shut up the right-wing of the tory party who should have formed their own party way back in 1992. Then when it all went tits up in true management ladder style they hadn't a fucking clue what to do. It's second flaw was that Parliament should have had the foresight with all it's so-called expertise and advisors to rule out no deal as an option in 2015 before a single vote was cast.

The real way it should have been handled is:

Referendum votes to leave
Parliament votes to accept the result of the referendum
Government goes into negotiation for a deal
A deal is struck
Parliament votes to put the deal to the people versus remaining
people vote to accept the deal (or not)
only when the deal is accepted is article 50 enacted and the period it takes to happen becomes the transition period.

I doubt that scenario would have taken any longer than the current mayhem.

As for a general election it will happen after 31st october. Labour/SNP/Libdem/green/plaid cymru agreement to work together with a working majority of 10-15.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by sparky »


I fully agree the scenario you listed could have been worked through by end of March this year.

Indeed it all started because Cameron & Co assumed the referendum result would be ' no change '. When it wasn't he then walked so having no idea what to do was not his problem.

Mrs May(hem) then presumed whatever deal she negotiated would be accepted by the majority of MP's, just like she presumed at the last election she would get a bigger majority. In parallel she should have been developing a workable no-deal plan as a back stop, at least until no-deal was ruled out.

Keeping to being realistic I just don't know where the inept MP's think they are heading now. It is like they have come down a one-way road to a roundabout with every exit fenced off and have neither a tunnelling machine or a helicopter. A genie appearing and granting wishes to fly just isn't going to happen.

While I too could foresee Labour/SNP/Libdem/Green/Plaid Cymru together having an overall majority could they actually work together and move the UK forward ? Who would successfully lead them ?

One very recent survey has Corbyn as PM feared more than no-deal.

As a work colleague keeps saying at the next election nobody should vote.
A clean sweep is need to get MP's whose first interest is the UK.

Right now most of the world must be laughing. If I was not living in the UK I would be too.
Is it time to serious think about emigrating ?
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by m100 »

One thing I haven't heard anyone say this week is the suspension of Parliament is supposedly to present and subsequently vote on a new Queen's speech. Only problem is Boris no longer has the numbers so the Queen's speech will bring down the government.

We've also got him saying he won't ask for an extension regardless of the imminent law so will we see him in court and subsequently prison which surely means he has to resign or be sacked by the queen. I can't see the commons getting behind an unelected Corbyn government but I can see it getting behind a Kenneth Clark/Harriet Harman led unity government with a very long extension to Brexit. Which as much as he and his supporters would protest the fact, would be Boris's fault.

I think the majority of the Tory party in the commons is genuinely shitting itself with what they have done letting Boris into number ten.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by spider »

Amber Rudd just resigned.

I wonder if Johnson is going to last another week in the job.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by m100 »

Well he's not going to last another 24 hours is he?

Someone on the bbc just said there will be a lot of angry people when it beomes apparent that we are not going to leave the EU on 31st october. They have only two people to blame for that Boris and his mate Dominic. They've set their stall out as a dictatorship, lied to the queen, claimed to want to uphold the democracy of the referendum but then prevented the democracy of the house of commmons from sitting. They've brought the Tory party into disrepute and let's face it there's been some good attempts at that in the past which have all fallen at least a tiny bit short but Boris and is mate have flown over the finishing line.

Shortest serving Prime Minister in history - I've typed those words before.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by spider »

UK judges, sitting in a UK court, passing a judgement on UK Law, upholding UK Parliamentary constitutional democracy.

Surely this is exactly what Brexiters were demanding.
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Re: Tory Leadership

Post by spider »

Breaking news, there's a UK shortage of popcorn.

Johnson was born in New York and still has dual citizenship.

I don't know about you, but I'm fed-up of these foreigners coming over here and breaking our laws. Deport him now and strip him of his UK citizenship.
