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Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:33 pm
by David Johnson
"There is an element of believability to Max's statement, let's put it like this, it's impossible to refute."

There is an element of believability in my statement that if I keep going at it, I am bound to have a big win on the gee gees at Haydock sometime in the future. It's impossible to refute.

Course, something might change like I run out of money, lose interest in racing, Haydock closes, betting gets banned by a right wing, CHristian government etc etc.

Or alternatively, I decide that I can make a good living in Turkey living a life of wine, women, song and best of all, Efes beer.

Remind me, isn't Turkey a Muslim country?

Re: Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:33 pm
by Sam Slater
You seem to have got yourself muddled up. Your first reply to me was my post telling Max not to tar all Muslims with the same brush. In other words, there are liberal-minded Muslims who want to integrate and it's unfair to ignore that.

You reply to this by saying, "No, but I bet they hedge their bets though, just in case like........". A clear insinuation that even the liberal-minded Muslims are siding with the more conservative, traditionalist Muslims because they're hedging their bets and backing the 'winners'.

I reply that's -basically- bollocks.

You then talk about Max having a point about the UK becoming an Islamic state, which, while related, isn't the subject you originally commented on.

I reiterate: not all Muslims are fanatical Islamists who do not want to integrate into wider British society. Plenty came here specifically to get away from that shit.

It's a simple conversation. I don't know how you've got mixed up so easily.

Re: A regular topic

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:08 am
by Toliverwist
David Johnson
Date: 09-16-12 12:25

This topic about how Europe is going to be taken over by Muslims by the middle of the century appears fairly regularly on the forum, a bit like getting diarrhoea on a Nile boat cruise. ... population

Since when did ideas expressed in the subjunctive become hard evidence?

The report deploys the words ?expected?, ?estimated? and ?projections? to advance its argument. The report is opinion, not "findings" as asserted by the Guardian reporters John Esposito and Sheila Lalwani.

It does not justify the Guardian?s use of the word "demonstrates";
?A recent study from the Pew Research Centre on religion and public life demonstrates that neither the UK nor Europe are in danger of a Muslim takeover,...?
End quote
The Pew report expects, projects and estimates. It does not demonstrate.

However, the Guardian reporters John Esposito and Sheila Lalwani's distortion of the report?s significance, does not prove that Muslims are about to outbreed all other voters, either.

The Pew Charitable Trusts;

Re: Muslims are revolting ?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:18 am
by one eyed jack
Somewhere in the great cosmos the ultimate supreme being, probably blonde and blue eyed with a big white beard and a huge gut is having a roaring belly laugh at us lot on the planet and has won a school prize for making the most entertaining marble with bacteria on it

If bacteria had a religion we'd all be fucked.

Now thats the politically correct way of saying very offensive things. Now hopefully no one, (including me) will get killed for it

Am I taking rubbish? Yeah probably but here we are 43 posts later and its all been said so many times before...Now lets go get a pint before the bar shuts

Re: Muslims are revolting ?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:53 am
by dog
"Arginald Valleywater
Like all creeds they have their nutters. I have a Muslim colleague at work and another as a Golf partner. You could not meet two finer gentlemen."

I am in total agreement with you on this, having spent time in a number of Muslim Counties Oman, an Islamic state being one, I had the pleasure of xmas day there and got very pissed watching a local band, yes they serve alcohol and all the people I encountered seemed reasonable even the taxis drivers offer you "GIRLS OF D NITE". And the Muslims I know are just people like me and you, I seem to recall people telling me in the late 70's and onwards that black people would take over this country and favour their own, it just never happen!

However as Sir Salman Rushdie said we should never be silent on saying what we think or who we criticise in a free society, to this end cartoons and films should be defended however bleak it seems, killings by people who don't agree with your freedom to speak isn't happening in this Country and I doubt very much it will in the future.

We need more people like this guy:


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:31 am
by David Johnson

It is a prediction which could be right or wrong - something that I have been stating throughout the thread.

At least with the Pew Trust they don't appear to have some hidden agenda to fudge the figures, as far as I can make out, for scaremongering purposes.

?No subversive forces can ever conquer a nation that has not first been conquered by ?subversive inactivity? on the part of the citizenry, who have failed in their civic duty and in service to their country.?


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:46 am
by David Johnson
"Yeah probably but here we are 43 posts later and its all been said so many times before...Now lets go get a pint before the bar shuts"

Religious intolerance and hopeless generalisations about a religion and its followers need to be challenged, wherever they come from, both in word and if need be, on the streets.

Boring it may be, but the results of the alternative approach, silence, are much worse.

Re: Sam...

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:23 am
by Lizard
Are you drunk? Or can you just not read..

Re: Lizard

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:41 am
by Lizard
" Remind me, isn't Turkey a Muslim country?"

Not exclusivly, it has other religions as well.

Re: Toliverwist

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:35 am
by Toliverwist
David Johnson
Date: 09-18-12 10:31


It is a prediction which could be right or wrong - something that I have been stating throughout the thread.

At least with the Pew Trust they don't appear to have some hidden agenda to fudge the figures, as far as I can make out, for scaremongering purposes.

Maybe, but the Guardian article which you linked to, by John Esposito and Sheila Lalwani, and which cites the Pew report can hardly be deemed an accurate and balanced representation of that report.

More information on the two authors of the Guardian article;
John Esposito
"his dual titles are "Professor of Religion and International Affairs" and "Professor of Islamic Studies." He also heads Georgetown?s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding."

Sheila Lalwani
"Lalwani, BAJ?02, is a research fellow at the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding"

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding