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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:48 pm
by Flat_Eric
The fact that Rooney is now "earning" (and I use that word loosely) 250k a week basic to kick a ball about for ManUre says more about the state of the game now than it does about his "greatness".

Football is all about greed, avarice, egos, hype and "image" these days. And it's all fucking bollocks.

I agree with Mr. Johnson on this. It's the fans that will end up paying for it. But if they're too thick to see they're being fleeced as cash-cows and being laughed at by the players, the agents, the boardroom suits and the moneymen, it's their own fucking fault.

The so-called "Premiership" has ruined football in England IMHO.

- Eric

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:20 pm
by Sam Slater
Never said he was worth it. Just saying there are plenty of top managers who see Rooney as a great player, as do I.

He could have still got more at City.

Tiger Woods earned over $110million in 2008 and only played seven tournaments. In contrast Rooney plays over 50 games a season (and won't be able to play into his 40s and 50s like golfers can). Shit actors like Bruce Willis can demand what Rooney earns in a year just for one film.

We can go on all night looking at entertainers/sports stars who earn more than what most think they deserve. The fact is we live in a capitalistic society and some will always earn much more than others for doing a lot less.

I never had you down as a socialist, Eric. You've made my night! !wink!

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:46 am
by Flat_Eric
Sam, your answer above about people like Bruce Willis rather proves my point, namely that what money they can demand isn't necessarily a reflection of their "greatness" (as in talent). No matter what field you're in.

I mean, Bruce Willis might be "good" at what he does (action hero in a dirty vest etc.) and he's obviously very popular (given the success of a lot of his films). But one of the all-time cinematic "greats"? I don't think so.

But Bruce Willis is still very "marketable" (or at least he was for quite a number of years, maybe less so now). And it's the same with Rooney in that much of it is about his "marketability" as a ManUre asset. It's certainly not about his performances so far this season, or his displays for England in major tournaments, in which he's consistently flopped spectacularly (apart from Euro 2004). So no doubt the Purple Twat, the Glaziers and the marketing men at the club crunched the numbers and decided that it would be worth their while paying him that amount of money because they'd be able to recoup it from the club's vast army of glory-chasing, mug-punter "fans" in Hong Kong and along the M25 corridor.

So don't confuse "popularity" and "marketability" with "talent" - or you'll be telling me next that Jordan is a "great" author, LOL!!

By the way, I'm not a socialist. I don't begrudge anyone a decent wage & reward for honest graft and talent. Not even footballers. But I don't think that unfettered capitalism is a good thing either, and the crassly uneven distribution of wealth not just in football but in society in general does get my hackles up. And greed I feel is a particularly unpleasant vice. I just wish I knew what the answer to it all was.

- Eric

Re: Dave

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:55 am
by Dave Wells
Well yes that will be the excuse they use sure although the gate revenue these days is minimal in the income of a club overall.

At City for example because of the untold billions available the price to get in the ground could and probably should be ?5.00. Why coz they can afford it to be so. Reward loyalty well and stop stinging people all day long !

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:20 am
by Flat_Eric
Edit: So don't confuse "popularity" and "marketability" with "talent"

- for "talent" read "greatness" there. We really do need and edit function.

- Eric

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:03 pm
by Sam Slater
Well, if Rooney's just got his new contract due to his marketing potential then he's worth the money (unless Man Utd just like giving money away).

I still judge Alex Ferguson's, Mourinho's, Wenger's and Ancelotti's judgements on Rooney's greatness over most others'. If Man Utd were only interested in doubling players' contracts based on marketing revenue then they'd never have got shut of Beckham....THE most marketable footballer over the last 10 years.

Looking at Rooney's face and physique, any marketability he has must surely be based on his competence as a footballer!

The way I see it he can't be both overpaid and overrated. If he's got the contract purely based on his marketability then he's worth his estimated ?200,000pw to the club. If he's got his contract purely based on his talent on the pitch then he must be a great footballer. And like I implied already, he's no Brad Pitt.

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:09 pm
by Flat_Eric
Yes Sam.

He's such a "great" striker that he's only scored once from open play since March.

And the less said about the "performance" of this "great player" in the World Cup, the better.

If anything, on that form you'd have thought that his value should have fallen somewhat.

Also, you can't seem to grasp that "earning power" and "marketability" don't (necessarily) reflect "greatness" (see examples above). Which surprises me because normally you're quite an intelligent chap (if a tad opinionated).

And for the money he's getting, really (as a striker) he should be banging in 25+ goals every season like Van Nistelrooy used to, and carrying England to major tournament finals. That would be more of a mark of "greatness" in my book. I don't have the stats to hand but I think I'm right in saying that he's only done that once in the 6 seasons he's had with ManUre (that was last season). And as we know all too well, he's been shit for England in every major tournament bar Euro 2004.

But maybe it doesn't take so much to be considered "great" these days. Just like the "celebrity" tag has been massively devalued this past decade or so.

- Eric

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:41 pm
by Dick Moby
Tommy Docherty gave an interview a couple of Days ago and he more or less said ---- get rid of him. If he doesn't want to play for the club just open the door.
It's been about money for too long, including at international level.
When I was young,players would have given their right arm to play for their country but now,if the wife has a shopping trip to Paris planned then international duty takes second place.

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:01 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
He better start learning Spanish for when they offload him in January. BTW have you seen how well Ronaldo is playing in Spain?

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:31 pm
by Flat_Eric
Arginald Valleywater wrote:


Could be a tall order, given that he struggles even with English.

- Eric