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Re: Intimate

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:22 am
by Intimate
"Do you not think that the locals would already be scared of a guy who had murdered someone, shot a defenceless policeman and shot his ex girlfriend. Do you not think that to have this guy in their midst would be enough for terrified locals to report sightings to the police without the police feeling the need to "fabricate" further evidence?"

My reply to you is, no, because they spent the first 3 days of the search repeatedly saying the public had nothing to fear and to go about their business as normal because Moat was only targeting the Police force.

Re: Intimate

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:46 am
by David Johnson
I said

Do you not think that the locals would already be scared of a guy who had murdered someone, shot a defenceless policeman and shot his ex girlfriend. Do you not think that to have this guy in their midst would be enough for terrified locals to report sightings to the police without the police feeling the need to "fabricate" further evidence?"

You said
My reply to you is, no, because they spent the first 3 days of the search repeatedly saying the public had nothing to fear and to go about their business as normal because Moat was only targeting the Police force.

My reply
Just because the police tried to reassure the population of Rothbury did not mean that the locals would NOT report sightings of Moat. Whether the population of Rothbury was terrified or not, the fact that Moat was wanted for murder and two attempted murders, meant that if they saw Moat they would have reported that.

There was absolutely no need for the police to fabricate evidence in order to get the general public to report seeing a man wanted for murder.
That is the point!


Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:59 am
by one eyed jack
I'm with David on this one all the way.

I never gave a hoot for what the media said if there was a murderer on the loose. I just know if he was capable of doing an act like attempted murder and acutal murder thatI would be shitting blue lights in fear.

You can bet I would drop the dime quick fast on a guy like that living in my neighbourhood and if cornered i wouldnt think twice about doing things within my power because of fear and I bet any other living human being would do the same

Its funny when it comes to the police that when it comes to protecting your arse then they are super heroes you are dependent on but when it comes to slipping up they are complete fuck wits.

Lets not forget that a few half witted cops and mistakes dont make the police force all bad.

If they werent there this country would be in chaos.

Show a bit of love for the police man. They aint all bad.

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:22 am
by Intimate
"Whether the population of Rothbury was terrified or not, the fact that Moat was wanted for murder and two attempted murders, meant that if they saw Moat they would have reported that.

There was absolutely no need for the police to fabricate evidence in order to get the general public to report seeing a man wanted for murder.
That is the point!"

Unfortunately that is merely your opinion and not a fact, there is already a floral shrine to Moat in Rothbury from locals, he was well known there.

And 3 more people in the area have been arrested today on suspicion of helping a fugitive.

On a side note I see the police have confirmed today at the inquest what I said up the thread, Moat was shot with electronic rounds from 2 shotguns, not tazers. They were not even approved for use on the public.

More clever use of language by the Police press release on the day.

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:06 am
by David Johnson
"Unfortunately that is merely your opinion and not a fact, there is already a floral shrine to Moat in Rothbury from locals, he was well known there."

Errr, just like your entire argument about police fabrication of evidence then - opinion not fact.

You really, really dont get it do you?

Just because people leave some flowers for a guy, who blew his head off, doesnt mean that they wouldnt have reported seeing him. Even the policeman who Moat shot in the face, has shown some compassion by saying he doesnt bear Moat any malice. That DOES NOT MEAN that the policeman would not have passed on information about him!

I repeat only limp brains who might have regarded Moat as some kind of hero or other limp brains who have a similarly warped view of loyalty as Moat did i.e. you shoot your girlfriend if she goes off with another guy, would not have reported seeing him knowing he was wanted for murder and attempted murder.


Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:59 am
by Intimate
That was never my argument, your debating technique, as noted in almost every thread you pontificate on is to paraphrase and misrepresent someone elses post in order for yourself to make a clever reply to your own strawman proposition.

You have done it 3 times in this thread.

Ignoring the fact I said local people were not for him, suggesting I was questioning if he had killed anyone when in fact my point related to people being encouraged to find him, and now again deliberately confusing reporting a sighting of him with tracking him down.

I said that the local people were encouraged to do the Polices job for them, ie actively look for Moat and signs of him, not that they would not report him if he was seen.

That said how many in the tiny village must have known about the man size storm drains? Nobody seems to have told the Police.

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:19 pm
by David Johnson
You accuse me of paraphrasing or misrepresenting you.

Did you or did you not say the following in earlier messages on this thread

"Their fabrication tactic worked, for I don't believe for 1 minute that Moat left a rambling statement of intent on of all things a fucking dictaphone "


"They couldn't locate him, so they turned the local people against him, I am not claiming that they were for him, some may have been, but they created a situation of panic, anyone seeing Moat would now report back to them and do their dirty work, work that they were incapable of doing themselves."

Yes or No?

If Yes, why do you think the police felt they needed to turn the local people against him?

Secondly why do you think that the general public who you stated "I am not claiming that they were for him" would need fabricated evidence from the police in order to get them to "do their (the police) dirty work" i.e. "report back to them (the police)"

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:29 pm
by spider
Don't know why you bother replying to Intimate, the bloke's a dick.

Similar to these idiots who are leaving flowers at the spot where Moat decided to decorate the landscape with his brain matter.

That was the best decision he ever made by the way.

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:53 pm
by David Johnson
You said in this message
"I said that the local people were encouraged to do the Polices job for them, ie actively look for Moat and signs of him, not that they would not report him if he was seen."

So you appear to be suggesting that they wanted the unarmed public to go out and "actively look for Moat" , a guy wanted for murder and two attempted murders. Interesting theory, I will give you that.

But earlier in the thread you said, referring to the fabrication of evidence by the police e.g. dictaphone messages by Moat.

"They couldn't locate him, so they turned the local people against him, I am not claiming that they were for him, some may have been, but they created a situation of panic, anyone seeing Moat would now report back to them

You do seem to be getting a tad confused, dont you?

Re: Moat

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:19 pm
by wayne
well said spider.