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Re: Davey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:32 pm
by Guilbert
I have done a very quick "survey" on the Crimewatch most wanted site and looked at the last 7 monthly shows. 8 people per show that is 7x8=56 people.

I looked at all the names/faces and split them into "White/English" and "other" (black, asian, Chineese, Polish etc). If in doubt (not sure of name or face) I put them in White/English.

10 people had been removed leaving 46.

Of the 46 still on the site

13 were White/English

33 were other (black, asian, chinese, romanian, polish etc)

So that is almost 3 times MORE in "other" than white/English (not LESS as you would expect as the immigrants make up LESS of the population).

I find it all rather sad what we have done to this country.

Re: Davey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:52 pm
by jimslip
I think as long as one ethnic group is blamed for this country's ills we will get nowhere. It's time to round up ALL the scum whatever their colour or creed. Normal law abiding citizens should have the right to go about their business without fear of intimidation, attack , robbery and so on.

Note I used the words, "Without fear" that is to say, I want to walk the streets without a fucking care in the World. Sounds naive? No, it's my fucking right!

Deal with all the scum, don't get diverted by race. By scum I include:

Crooked bankers
crooked politicians
profiteering utility company management
benefit cheats
anti social bastards
etc etc

All the above are parasites and feed off the normal working tax paying man or woman of all colours and creeds!We are being bled dry by all and sundry and we are now the hunted, not the villains.

Let's see some sink estate scumbags and bankers deal with one of these coming down their road:
[img] ... 917BB46848[/img]


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:45 am
by David Johnson
That's a very detailed survey you have carried out there.

Have you thought of passing on the results to the Home Office?

Having done your survey, perhaps you could then interprete it.

Do you believe that people who are non-white are genetically programmed to be more likely than white people to carry out theft, rape, murder?
Yes or No, Guilbert.

I wouldn't want to go to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, India or Dubai then would you? The crime rate there must be off the scale.

Perhaps the reasons for people committing crime are an eeny bit more complex than you appear to believe? Possibly, there are additional factors involved like upbringing, education, unemployment, poverty, parental factors, assessment of getting caught, punishment regime etc. etc.

I agree with Jim. Violent crime, in particular, needs to be dealt with severely, irrespective of colour i.e. a black criminal gang needs to be sorted out in a similar way to a white gang etc.

I look forward to your answer to the above question. Why do you think you get the results you do?


Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:48 am
by hammer4life
i stopped caring at "north african"

If blacks wanna kill blacks all the time it really does not bother me in the slightest

Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:11 am
by Guilbert
>Perhaps the reasons for people committing crime are an eeny bit more complex than you appear to believe? Possibly, there are
>additional factors involved like upbringing, education, unemployment, poverty, parental factors, assessment of getting caught,
>punishment regime etc. etc.

So maybe there are other factors.

Lets look at young black men as an example using some of your "headings".

Upbringing - lots of black men dont like being husbands/fathers. They live with a woman, have children, then walk out, often having no emotional or financial link with the child. So the child grows up without a father and can then often finish up drifting into crime, drugs etc.

If that is the case lets stop black immigrants coming here

Education - It is well known that black boys are underachievers at school (and I dont pretend to know why). Many leave school with no qualifications, no ambition, no skills. So they drift into crime, drugs etc.

Fine, so lets stop black immigrants coming here and breeding.

Unemployment - I live in Birmingham and when I walk through parts of the city centre I see gangs of black men with real "attitude". They just scare people with their aggressive looks.

So people dont want to employ them because they dont want that sort of "attitude" in their places of work. No job, so they drift into crime and drugs.

Fine, so lets stop black immigrants coming here and breeding.

Poverty - Many blacks have no education, cant get jobs, have no money, so they drift into crime and drugs

Fine, so lets stop black immigrants coming here and breeding.

Parental factors - already covered above.

So as you can see, maybe there are other issues, but most caused by the mentality of that race of people.

If it is such a big issue then the simplest solution is to stop letting them in. There is no law that says we have to have a percentage of black people in the UK.

After all, the USA has been trying to sort out this white/black problem for longer than we have, and it is still a huge issue over there (although they have elected a black president).

The UK is essentially a "white" country, it was not supposed to be full of Blacks, Asians, Chinese. Some immigrants, yes, full of immigrants, no.

It is like putting sugar in your tea, one or two spoonfulls is fine, 20 spoonfulls and it spoils it. And the UK is now heading towards 20 spoonfulls.