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Re: Reggie

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:41 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]No no, just before you started going on about trained psychologists, you were talking about me in the very previous sentence. You clearly were not talking about any 'other' person you were talking about me, so pack it in with the bullshit gun ok.[/quote]

Of course I was talking about you. That is why I admitted to assuming you was 'trained'. That is not calling you trained. Pedantic maybe but nonetheless correct. But you're first complaint wasn't that I called you trained but that I accused you of professing to be trained. Well, it wasn't a direct complaint but you did feel obliged to point out specifically that you'd never claimed to be trained, which implies I somehow accused you of doing so.

Surely you can see the difference between an assumption and an accusation? I've already pointed this out, which you seemed to ignore.

[quote]People who refer to psychology as a 'theory of mind' generally read the Readers Digest and are hence by definition brain dead,[/quote]

They generally do, do they? Evidence please. People who assume so much about somebody from a single phrase are obviously presumptuous, pompous and probably more ignorant than the people they belittle.

[quote]but more seriously if all you can talk about is 'psychology' it reveals an ignorance of even the existence of the fifteen or so basic subjects taught at undergraduate level.[/quote]

What does that even mean? This thread isn't about psychology. Am I even claiming any knowledge of the subject outside a little quip about a psychologist not needing to resort to using capital letters to emphasise something? It is, of course, just used as an excuse to move the subject onto something else because you've already been shown wrong in your silly retort regarding my point on charities, and shown to be equally wrong about me accusing you of claiming to be trained in psychology.

[quote]Quoting the title of some dumbed down magazine really won't get you out of the hole you've dug yourself this time Dr S.[/quote]

Is the magazine 'dumbed down'? I wouldn't know, I've not read it. I guess for you to win the argument now your only chance would be that you need that magazine to be dumbed down. To be fair, you're not a trained psychologist so I do not take your accusation of the magazine being 'dumbed down' too seriously. If only you were trained, hey? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

[quote]I only belittle people when they are talking out of the wrong hole Dr Slater, when they pretend to know something about everything, like you do or don't if you see what I mean.[/quote]

Hmmm. I don't know if I do know what you mean, Keith. You like belittling people who 'pretend to know something....or don't [pretend to know something?]. So that's everyone! You like to belittle everyone! Well, at least we're now getting to the truth of your nature, Mr. Rasputin! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

[quote]Most of what I say is my own opinion and you can take it or leave it really. It's so funny that you have to react, I think you've got a crush on me..... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .....[/quote]

And your opinion is usually wrong and ill-thought out. Sorry. As for the crush: it's you who keeps beseeching me to come have a drink with you you dirty sod! The cheek of it...