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Re: Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:52 am
by justincyder
Its fair to say that rich banking cunts and at the other end, low life scrounging thieving cunts will always fair well under any governement, meanwhile the backbone of the country, ie non do gooding types who work hard (or try to at any rate) to make a better life for themselves and their family, help out their neighbour without a fuss, but who would never upset the applecart to make themselves heard will always pay the price.

thats how it works. if you want it to stop, stop whining about it and do something about it instead. Politics in this country amounts to very little and all the same anwyay ie catchy hip of the moment phrases that begin with, ' Let me just say' or ' In order to answer the question i believe' bla bla bla

blue yellow or red its all pretty much of a muchness.

start a revolution

Re: Conservatives launch attack on the less well off

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:56 pm
by Trumpton
Just as the 'Labour' party have also done. There is very little difference between all the main political parties.


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:16 pm
by David Johnson
Ok, so this is what the Labour government have done amongst other things
In comparison, what has the Conservative party done in the past//proposed to do, if elected, which backs up your statement that there is little difference between the parties?
