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Fav Muffin? Blueberry, wi out a doubt

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:16 pm
by Sarah Kelly
So humurous and edumacational!wink! ps .. the mcgowan one def the worst of a sorry bunch there x

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:26 pm
by Dick Moby
Why would I be embarrassed by my sense of humour ? I was born with it so it's probably in my genes.
If I find something funny I laugh. it's as simple as that. I don't try to explain it and I don't scrutinise it to see why it was funny. When I was a kid I would laugh at cartoons when watching tv with my dad but my mum could never see the humour. I didn't try to dissect it ---- my mother just had a different sense of humour.
If I could explain humour I'd probably be a millionaire.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:30 pm
by Steve R
Sweet Samantha,

as you clearly cannot figure this out for yourself, the nose and ears are simply red herrings. They are setting you up for some silly, cute ending. Then, when the Pakistani ending comes along, it has all the better effect.

Riddle me this..

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:56 pm
by Sarah Kelly
Captain Wow....if i can, 2 questons please..!wink! x

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:00 pm
by andy at handiwork
Pointless, un-necessary, unfunny, racist.

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:07 pm
by Sam Slater
So this could work with any nationality as the ending?

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:09 pm
by Naomixxx
I parked in a disabled space today and a traffic warden shouted, "Oi, what's your disability?"
I said, "Tourettes! Now fuck off you c--t!"

Have you been injured at work...?
Had a car accident...?
Slipped on a wet floor....?
Or tripped on an uneven surface....?
If so......
You're probably the clumsiest bastard I have ever met!

Naomi XXX

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:20 pm
by Peter
Sherlock Homes and Watson are on a camping holiday, as the snuggle up in their sleeping bags, Holmes says,

"Watson, look up, what do you see?"

"Well," says Watson "I see an inky black sky, speckled with a myriad of stars"

"And what does that tell you?" says Holmes.

"It tell tells me that the universe is truly a vast space, and we as mankind are a mere speck in Gods wonderful creation. But enough of my ramblings, Holmes, what do you see?"

"I too see an inky black sky speckled with a myriad of stars" says Holmes

"And what does that tell you, may I ask?" says Watson.

"It tells me someones nicked the fucking tent!"

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:24 pm
by Sam Slater
I don't scrutinise why I find things funny either. I do, however, give thought to it if I'm asked in conversation, and try and give as good an answer as possible.

You started this by complaining why such jokes as Steve's are frowned upon and asking 'where has all the humour gone?'. This, to me, is a little like asking the question "Why don't you find this joke funny?"

Well, I explained why when asked and just implored you give me the same courtesy. You didn't even try. But never mind! Since we're all 'havin a laugh' around here then can you tell me if you find Steve's joke just as funny but with a Russian ending.......just for a laugh, like?

Also, can you tell me why it irks you that some don't like Bernard Manning-style jokes, please?

Re: Whats THE best joke,ever?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:48 pm
by Dick Moby
Where exactly did I complain why Steve's jokes are frowned upon.
No I'm not about to explain my sense of humour to you and if you don't laugh at the same things as me I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It doesn't irk me when people don't laugh at Bernard Manning style jokes to be honest I never even wondered about it. Just for the record though have you ever actually laughed at a Bernard Manning style joke ? Who is your favourite comedian ? or do you find them all offensive ?