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Re: Obama - Our Part In His Success

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 9:39 am
by one eyed jack
FAO Reggie:

So if Obama is not the man to deliver. Then who is?

As far a I see Bush like many other presidents in othe radministrations need a good conflict to consolidate their place in history.

Obama has come in at a difficult time and has to clear up the mess left from the previous administration and now has to deal with the credit crunch.

Maybe he needs a good old fashioned war too.

So what did you mean? Who has been FDR since FDR?...I prefer JFK personally but look what they did to him?

Re: Obama - Our Part In His Success

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:58 am
by andy at handiwork
If Obama needs a good old war, how's about one against poverty, or poor education, or bad housing, or poor medical cover, nuclear proliferation, climate change, or ... there's a few to be getting on with. To his credit he is attempting to tackle these issues.

As for JFK, I become less a fan the more I read about him. His personal life aside, he was largely responsible for America's Vietnam involvement, he had to be dragged screaming into doing anything for the civil rights of US blacks, he took us to the brink of destruction over the missile crisis. A very tarnished hero as far as I'm concerned. Were it not for the huge escalation of the SE Asia conflict under Johson his successor, LBJ would be remembered as the great president, and the 'Great Society', as his tackling of race and civil rights issues was called, would have ensured his place in the pantheon of true reformers.

Re: Obama - Our Part In His Success

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:17 pm
by Sam Slater
Cool, but what do you think of Steve's theory about slavery? Does every single black man/woman in the world have slavery to thank for anything they achieve in life?

Why do you think Steve says this? What's his line of reasoning? He seems reluctant to tell me for some reason so I'm wondering if you've any idea?