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Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:19 am
by Sam Slater
See my thread below. I've admitted that the 'Sand Monkey' comment from Rob could be seen as racist, but he makes it unclear who he was labelling. Was it 'Muslims' or 'Arabs'?

Calling someone derogitory names because of their race is racist. Calling someone derogitory names because of their beliefs is not.


Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:28 am
by Trumpton
funkichadi wrote:

> as a prefomer and is no longer in the scene.

Did your community know of your activities in the world of porn?

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:33 am
by harmonyluvver
I totally agree with Mr Blunderland. It has become fine to take the piss out of white, English but no one else. I always remember the "Going For An English" sketch from Goodness Gracious Me. It was bloody funny, but had a white comedian used an asian or black or disabled or whatever stereotype there would have been uproar. Though it has to be said the ones making the biggest fuss would probably not belonged to the group supposedly offended by it.
It's the overly Pc do gooders that cause most of the problems. Channeling their own shame of being able bodied, white and not starving into healing the world.
I think that if extremists can stand in the street and preach death to people that don't believe the same as them, then ********** can make his opinion known. I read it regularly and have always thought ********** hated extremism not particular members of society. I imagine if the BNP started winning lots of seats then he would write an article about that. I imagine that if we had lived several hundred years ago The Inquisition would get the ********** treatment. The Smut is a sort of topical rant page and the whole Islam/muslim thing has been a big part of the news for a long time now.
I don't think that Islam is to blame. I think it's the twisted, power mad loonies who see a way to corrupt a message so it appeals to other sicko's. They just find it easier to hide behind a cause, just like the christians, the IRA, the kkk, the Nazi's did.
I don't pretend to agree with everything about Islam but I find a lot of Jehovah's witness beliefs far worse.

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:38 am
by Sam Slater
Cheers !thumbsup!

Re: Who Reads Rob Stone's Smut News?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:43 am
by Trumpton
funkichadi wrote:

> community at work.... :)
> and loved it...mate i dont hang around with 'brothers' with
> long beards lol im a just an ordinary person going round doing
> his thing
> sahara gets on with her thing without worrying about the
> broteherhood of backpacking little idiots...we just get on as
> you do as anyone else does...

That's refreshing to read.

You mentioned Sahara because there seems to be quite a few female porn performers who come from the Asian/Muslim community.