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Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:41 am
by wayne
The problem you have with wanting good quality actors is that no matter how good they are they cant do anything if what they have to work with is drivel.

THe good thing about this series is that it never fail to surprise the viewer, you think it cant be any more insulting to your intelligence or any worse than before and it is!

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:25 am
by Ned
The most insulting bit of shite television in the history of the universe.

There's a calm, considered opinion !wink!

To go through all the holes in the story would take too long, but here's one.

Last week, the Paradox Machine was so dangerous that just touching the wrong bit would wipe out half the universe. So Captain Jack goes running into the TARDIS, blasting at it with a mchine gun to blow it up. Make sense? Didn't think so.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:14 am
by mrchapel
I`m starting to wonder if Russell Davies isn`t really Uwe Boll

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:20 am
by Pervert
Whatever your criticisms of the show, it has resurrected (regenerated) a part of life from a previous time: some families actually sit down together and watch the thing. RTD is to be congratulated for bringing it back, and reinventing aspects of it to be make it relevant to a modern audience. Along the way he has made some blunders. And maybe he should just leave the writing to other people. But without him, it would not have returned----and many younger people (Ms Hex for example) would not be checking out older stuff.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:25 am
by wayne
I dont really think he can claim the credit for bringing it back, it was always a BBC cash cow (even more so now with the ruthless targeting of children) and would always have a fan base no matter how poor it was/is.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:30 am
by Pervert
There had been plans before to bring it back. It needed a media darling with some clout to make it happen---and that was Davies.

Well done to BBC Wales.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:48 am
by adultwebmaster
Caractacus is right there.

Without RTD at the helm, Doctor Who probably wouldn't have come back to our screens. No many producers wanted to touch it as it was a cult turkey from yester-year.


Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:05 pm
by Kramer
Yeah I couldn't agree more with Caractacus. RTD has made Saturday Night TV exciting again, and his vision has brought Doctor Who kicking and screaming into the naughties. People complain that it isn't like the original series but let's face it if they brought it back exactly like the original show it just wouldn't work. The early shows are great cult tv but it just wouldn't fly with a modern tv audience. The tight 45 minute episodes work really well for the Buffy, Lost, Heroes generation and it's made a fortune on oversee sales. The pop culture references help to drag in the kind of audience that have never before been interested in Sci Fi or Doctor Who and for that RTD should be congratulated. Strangely enough the new shows have a large female following which the early shows didn't have so much of. Ok so RTD's writing can be a tad ropey at times but I always look forward to his finales which this year in particular have had a great subtle build up dropping hints throughout the series. They have plot holes you could drive a bus through and can be fairly fornulaic but one thing they are not are un-exciting. Anything that can get kids excited about fun imaginative story-telling is surely a good thing.

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:47 pm
by mrchapel
Kramer wrote:

> Yeah I couldn't agree more with Caractacus. RTD has made
> Saturday Night TV exciting again,
You could say the same about Ant & Dec or Graham Norton

>and his vision has brought
> Doctor Who kicking and screaming into the naughties.

By this you mean told viewers there`s be no stories on planets that aren`t earth and turning it into a soap opera for the first two seasons? Or hiring an annoying cunt that the world hoped we`d seen the last of and an actor who looked down at the show?

> complain that it isn't like the original series but let's face
> it if they brought it back exactly like the original show it
> just wouldn't work.
You mean like with decent plots and the crew making the series for viewers not themselves? Or the fact that previous doctors were "mysterious, strange and alien" Not "wacky"
Tl Dr until

> Ok so RTD's writing can be a tad ropey
> at times

This is like saying Hitler was a naughty boy

Re: Doctor Who

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:01 pm
by The Last Word
Kramer wrote:

> The tight 45 minute episodes work really well for the Buffy, Lost, Heroes generation.

Are you sure about this? Because for all their faults Lost and Heroes are light years ahead of Who in every department.

> The pop culture references help to drag in the kind of audience that have never before been interested in Sci Fi or Doctor Who and for that RTD should be congratulated.

Eh? Filling up spaces with pop culture reference is the laziest thing possible these days. It gets a roar from the cheap seats and nothing else.