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Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:34 am
by Rude Boy
Allow me to help Idoldroog, practice the following phrase. "Gyonyoru Tiffany!"

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:55 am
by mart
"As to China dominating the world, you only have youself to blame because what brands do you buy? Sony, Samsung, Nissan, Honda etc!"

I think you've got your Asian countries mixed up.


Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:14 am
by IdolDroog
LOL Rudey. Can't even pronounce that single word! Not a very encouraging start hmmm!lol

+ can't find the translation of it online either.......................................English it is then!

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:15 am
by IdolDroog
Cheers Marty.

You've clearly got more experience in this area so I'll let it go, my thoughts are literally based on just that...thoughts. We'll see how/if things change after I've actually been across these places :)

Re: Why is the UK so full of dicks!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:36 am
by Sam Slater

I meant to give the Scots & Welsh their own identities within my post and 'did' mean to put 'English' in place of 'British'. It was a 'typo' really as we all have to say we're British and from the 'UK'. I think it's stupid a scot can't say he's 'scottish' or and englishman say he's 'englsh' while filling in paperwork etc. (but thats a different issue). So now I've swapped the countires names, my point is valid.

Marty wrote:

[quote]s to your point about the French or Germans not pointing out the Irish, Welsh or the Scots, well actually they DO! As they are ALL seen as Anglaise![/quote]

So the French call the Irish Anglaise eh? I'm sure the irish will be overjoyed their identity is lost, within french minds. How ignorant of them!!!

Marty wrote:

[quote]As to China dominating the world, you only have youself to blame because what brands do you buy? Sony, Samsung, Nissan, Honda etc![/quote]

Look back at my post Marty. I never once gave anyone the impression I was worried China would rule the worlds economy. Yes lots of stuff is made there, but with a population of over a billion people and with them flirting with capitalism then they'll get the top spot by default, & I say good luck to em if they move away from communism!!

[quote]The French actually take less of the piss out of the British than the Brit do out of the French. Ive not met many Brits who have kind words to say about the French, usually its 'fucking frogs' or 'France is a nice place, shame about the French'. However, the French complain about the British 'drunken yobs' or 'bad manners', something which they have a very good point about![/quote]

Totally wrong their Marty. The British (or english) just do it in a more bousterous way. The french and other european nations give out sneaky jibes & digs now & again. It's all quiet whispering & sniggers. The worst are the actual politicians & academics in europe who should certainly know better, while in England the piss taking is left to the 'working class'. Theres a difference.....

Marty wrote:

[quote]As to your final 'stupid' jibe that 'maybe then you'll stop kickin their heads in',.... I think you have just proved my point about the british yobs. Thank you!!![/quote]

Ahhh, so you've lost your British sense of humour? The first thing that goes when you move away from these isles you know! (yes another joke for your references !wink!).

A final point on languages. EUROPEANS LEARN ENGLISH FOR ONE THING. BUSSINESS AND MONEY!. There, everyone get that? Why do you think most of the west coast of africa speaks either englsh or french? Why do most of the arab nations & India speak english? Why does most of Indonesia speak french? Why does most of South & Central America speak either portugese or spanish? Something to do with trading and colonisation? I think so....
Of course after colonial rule the US has emerged as an economic superpower. No matter what country you're from, if you wanna be successful in bussiness then you learn english, pure & simple. Europe needs to speak english to do bussiness, it's the universal language now wether the french like it or not.

I do agree with you -marty- on learning the lingo when 'in Rome- so to speak. I always try my best at learning the basics when going abroad. I learnt/still learning, Spanish as I wen't to Mexico last year. I think learning a new language is one of the most thrilling things you can do, and find it improves your vocabulary within your native tongue as well, strangly.

Lets not forget that the europeans don't learn engilsh because they are less ignorant of other languages. It's because they 'need' to, to get by in life more than a Brit.