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Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:14 pm
by one eyed jack
...On the other hand though...if muslims feel that strongly and hate the brits when they live on this soil then maybe they should leave. Then they can rant and rave all they want in their own country.

Its one thing to protest and another to threaten those who do not share the same sentiment or humour by bearing ill will....

Sorry Mad Burt your words are indeed wasted when you've got to jump that far from the mark and bring up what the muslims do like beheading. You cant blame all muslims for what they do in their own country. Your comments are muddying the waters of the real issue here...Maybe it is I who has wasted words if you dont understand where I'm coming from.

There are good and bad in all nations, lets not generalise here. The thread was about muslim catoons that caused offence...Therefore by your rationale, it is ok to offend these people in general because they are all to blame for not sharing your (our) liberated view on erotica.

Just because they live here doens mean they all have to follow the same linein thinking. Hell, I know some white british folk who share this way of thinking too.

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:00 pm
by Mad Burt
the waters are not muddied and infact they are pretty clear to anyone who wants to see. its interesting to read your comments about not all muslims being bad but what i would say is that muslims are a worry because at the end of the day to be a musilm means you must carry the line but they in no means refflect the feelings of people from the middle east. in britain we do have a problem with people being blinded and not seeing the coffee pot for what it is and will sometimes swear its a tea pot untill they desire a cup of tea at which time its a re action rather than an action. we have to be very carefull with what we now allow on the grounds of religeon because all religeons are designed to control. so to get back to my missed point about 5 posts hence if it becomes un acceptable to have cartoons creations of any religeon then our free democratic way of life is under threat. working on the base that cartoons creations are offensive then cartoons deplicting lude acts will also be offensive and society starts on the slippery slope to censorship. its a shame that you cant see that censorship of any form is bad but then again i'd protect your rights to hold and speak such views to the end. ill finish by quoting my old boss, id like to say its been a pleasure but its been a fucking nightmare

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:41 pm
by Officer Dibble
" dont provoke em is what I say..."

Don't appease them either. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Let 'em do what they want back home, but if they want come and make their fortune here, in Europe, they have to fit in with us and our ways. We don't have to fit in with them, it's not like we're begging them to come.

Also, of course it's bad form for anyone to cause gratuitous offence - but there are all sorts of nutters and divis in the world who will take offence at anything - if you let them. In fact they delight in taking offence, it gives them a buzz. Best thing to do with these idiots is just ignore 'em. When they see that no one gives a shit about 'em jumping up and down in the street or complaining to some broadcasting commission or other, they just get fed up and melt away. They're looking for a reaction - gives 'em a minor sense of power, makes 'em feel like they matter.

Officer Dibble

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:06 am
by Officer Dibble
"Why all the tolerance for them and none for us?"

Two words - 'Political Correctness'. A shitty phrase to be sure. Because what it means by 'correct' is only correct if you are a Guardian reading, sandal wearing, lentil muncher who is a white-collar employee of local government and committed New Labour voter.

It's these tossers, in their middleclass ivory towers, who make all the loony rules and regulations up. All the shit which is staring to piss you off. It is they, no one else. So, why not have a 'Jihad' against political correctness? A ?Cristalnacht? where we burn all their beloved bullshit and bureaucracy? That would teach 'em, and it would be so much fun, too.

Officer Dibble

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:08 am
by davey
my mate phoned up the Met police and said he believed he had witnessed a serious racial crime with incitement to cause racial hatred and violence (exactly the same thing Nick Griffen was charged with) and would the police be moving in and arresting the people holding the placards and the police replied that no they would monitor the situation as an attempted arrest may provoke the others to attack the police.!!! now imagine several hundred white people marching with placards saying kill blacks and deport pakis do you think the police would monitor the situation?and that idiot copper the other day said the media were makes me you can see some supporters of a peaceful and tolerant religion ... 127481.jpg

Re: OT allah cartoons/Wikipedia

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:31 am
by mart
There is extensive coverage of the cartoons on Wikipedia

Condidering they were first published on September 30th this has taken a long time to come to the boil.


Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:47 am
by davewells
Funny how all the islam/muslem protest banners and posters and rants aren't thought to be equally offensive in reverse isn't it ?

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:09 am
by Jacques

Re: OT allah cartoons

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:33 pm
by crofter
Not sure exactly how these "protesters" get away with setting fire to Countries National Flags where the fuck do they think they are Baghdad??

Can you imagine if I went to a Muslim Country and proudly got their flag out and gleefully set fire to it and waved it in peoples faces, would I be:
a) stoned to death
b) beheaded
c) viewed as making a peaceful protest

It seems that because a Denmark Newspaper printed a few cartoons all Danes are scum, and all Westerners hate Muslims .... seems somebody is being a bit general their eh??