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Re: Gall and Burnett

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:19 pm
by jj
Yes, it's coming along nicely.
I have hypothecated part of our Grant application, for KY, sex toys and, er, sundry expenses.
I think you'll agree that's reasonable under the circumstances: ICI and SERC are already on board, and C4 are very interested in a 'making of the Theory' doco.....should be good for a few ligs at disreputable parties, if nothing else- and you get to meet Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

Re: Gall and Burnett

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:31 pm
by Pervert
I'd prefer to meet Samira Ahmed.

Re: Gall and Burnett

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:47 pm
by jj
Ah, but you see, I'd planned to pinch Kate Sanderson off him while he was distracted by your impromptu bread-roll-juggling act.........

Re: Gall and Burnett

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:56 am
by jj
So who's K boffing, then?
I'm sure you told me he was porking someone many of us here have slavered over lustfully.

And I think Kate is being very wise- they'll be able to economise by selling their kiddies to a pet-shop.

Re: Good point Carl

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:45 am
by Ace
Yes, Ronnie was very instrumental in trying to abolish the Californian Porn Industry. He loathed it as Governor of California, and had delusions of grandeur when he got to be President about abolishing it.
Oh, Bimmercat, Communism in the Soviet Union was waning, Gorbechov had the vision of Glasnost and with the end of communism. Reagan didn't end it anymore than I did

Re: Reagan

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:37 pm
by Officer Dibble
Your right, the unspoken truth is that the Africans don't matter to us in the west. Whether they live or die or just tear each other to pieces won't directly interfere with our lifestyles, so, why not leave ?em to it? The perception is that they don't have much culture for us to concern ourselves over (spears, mud huts and dancing round campfires) and it's highly unlikely that their number will be harbouring the secret of cold fusion, and hey, they?re wasting resources that would be more useful to us in the west. There's always a lot of pretentious hand wringing from the chattering classes over Africa (Bono anyone?) But governments (even ones made up of hand wringers) on the whole have to be pragmatic - i.e. if there's nothing much to gain by our involvement and the potential to lose money and lives on commercial, civil, and military adventures then the best thing to do is play it safe, pretend to be concerned and just mouth platitudes. The only time we sit up and flirt with the idea of action is when our own are threatened i.e. the white farmers of Zimbabwe.

Caught Lord Tebbit on the box recently and he put forward a (some might say) hugely controversial and classically ?Tebittien? idea for sorting out the African problems of corruption, incompetence, hunger and general anarchy. His plan was to put the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa back under competent colonial control. A simple and hugely effective solution, problems sorted almost at a stroke. But it could never happen as it would be anathema to most hand wringing Euro governments who find the miserable chaotic status quo much more acceptable than any suggestion of colonialism or imperialism, or having to face up to the idea that the Africans are just not up to the task of running things themselves.

Personally, I?m up for at least sorting that fucker Mugabe out because he?s thumbing his nose at us, taking the piss, and in the process ruining what was (come back Ian Smith) and still could, be a prosperous African country

Officer Dibble

o/t Re: Reagan

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2004 8:06 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
I always get a sense that the real reason we the developed world send aid to Africa is down to our guilty conscience....having raped and pillaged her resources for centuries

Some Blacks in America are even claiming that the reason Africa is not developed like other Continents is down to the best and brightest being taken away via the Slavers

There might be some truth in this as blacks have shown given the right enviroment they are just as smart as the rest unfortunately that enviroment isn't likely to exist anytime soon

It starts and ends with Tribalism IMHO
