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Re: Deep Purple crap

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 7:00 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Oh no not more lateral thinking...time for my brain overhaul
I need mega memory not to mention a better CPU

Norm from our Life be In it campaign?

Beer in one hand,remote in the other sittin on the Couch enjoying all the sports.Would have been a perfect catch for Edna

B....OZ One Snag Short Of A Barbie

Re: Deep Purple crap

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 9:26 pm
by jj
I meant Edna's Norm, who had all the surgery...........

Re: Deep Purple crap

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:48 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
Told you I needed more memory

Doesn't ring a bell at all

I must have missed one of the films or was Braindead when viewing it


Re: Deep Purple

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:11 pm
by Ace
Nice thread! I loved Mk 2 (Gillan, Glover) and Made in Japan is brilliant, however, Mk 3 (Coverdale, Hughes) are better, and Made in Europe side 1 is as equal to Japan. However, it does drag with overlong solos from Blackmore and Lord.
Spin-offs from Purple are okay, early Rainbow (Dio) were excellent, Whitesnake were crap, but I liked Gillan with the excellent Bernie Torme and Colin Towns.
Rainbow 1979-1984 were pop and made good impressions on the charts with All Night Long, Since you been gone, Can't Happen Here. Graham Bonnet was an excellent singer, Joe Lynn Turner was poncey American shite that Blackmore employed as he tried to sound like Foreigner. A BIG mistake!!
Gillan didn't take themselves seriously and I saw them in the early 80's and they did do a good show....until Gillan pissed off to front Black Sabbath in 1983.another BIG mistake!! After that he sold out reforming Purple and ANY band that reforms are musical prostitutes!!

Re: Deep Purple

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 4:35 am
by Deuce Bigolo
Whitesnake crap....NEVER!!!!!

They gave us such memorable songs as
Would I lie to you(just to get in your pants-I think so)
Wine,Women & Song

I agree the other 8 songs of the COME An' GET IT album were shite
They're only other 'hits' Here I go again & Sweet Talker weren't even top 10

Isn't that funny i thought Blackmore did all the singing for Rainbow
Those pop songs whilst good sellers were pure crap compared to the other
earlier material
Must remember to read the CD sleeves next time
Think Ronnie Dio should have stayed with them given his own efforts-diabolical and thats being generous

Must sit down one day and listen all the way through the double CD MKIII
The Final Concerts
I find songs that drag on for 10 minutes or more are mind numbing

Can't say I've ever heard any Gillan material

I agree about reformed bands ripping the fans off
I bought their 1996 Album-Perpendicular-I should have known better


Re: Whitesnake

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 6:07 am
by Ace
Before the surge of MTV, Whitsenake were a band that rarely featured on TV, except in episodes of Minder where Terry had a 'Come and Get it' and 'Slide it in' posters on his door in his flat.
When Coverdale re-re-launched Whitsenake with the excellent 1987 album, MTV snapped them up and made them HUGE on the back of excellent videos, (just like ZZ Top.....who are superb)
Early Whitesnake is so-so, but 1987 onwards is very good. I got an album of theres in 1990 with Steve Vai and it WAS a belter, but alas, consigned to my vaults of 'dodgy CD's that SEEMED a good idea at the time'

Rainbow singers? Ronnie James Dio for Rainbow, Rainbow Rising, Live, Long Live Rock n Roll. Graham Bonnet for Down to Earth. Joe Lynn Turner for Difficult to Cure, Bent Out of Shape.

'Stargazer' from 'Rainbow Rising' is the best they did, pure power with Dio never sounding better IMO

Re: Whitesnake

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 6:59 am
by Deuce Bigolo
I still think there best overall album is Ready an' Willing 1980

What followed after was a lot of 2nd class or 2 standout songs but in the main the same repetitive drivel with songs from previous albums repackaged

They remind a little bit of Aerosmith who were to all intensive purposes dead and buried until MTV.Using the likes of Liv Tyler & Alicia Silverstone
in a film clip obviously got the attention of the teen market

Stargazer was excellent
I rate A Light In The Black,Gates of Babylon & Long Live Rock n Roll
as fast paced and powerful.Catch The Rainbow shows how good his voice really is

You're right about him being the best out of the 3
9/16 of the Greatist Hits are by him,4 by bonnet & 3 by turner

Haven't heard ZZtop for ages....the 3 beards...thats 2 guitarists with beards and Frank'Clean Shaven' beard on drums....taking marketing to a new level....use to have Eliminator along time ago....I'm sure La Grange or Cheap Sunglasses is around my Manor somewhere...neighbours be warned

Ever sen them old mate who's a Muso said they are Ace when it comes to live shows


Re: ZZ Top

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 7:11 am
by Ace
One of my biggest ever regrets was in 1988, a local pub that held gigs advertised a band called The Beards. I saw the poster but didnt bother. Next day it was revealed it was ZZ Top in a warm-up show before heading Donington, a known Rock Festival in nearby Leicestershire. Only 30-40 drinkers saw this, and by all accounts it was a ripper of a show.
ZZ are excellent, especially Billy Gibbons who is a master on the axe. Im glad they went global with Eliminator, they have been around for years, and I believe they are the longest line-up of original members from 1973-2003, can any band beat that? One for you Steve56.

Re: ZZ Top

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:29 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
ZZtop are much under rated outside of the Lone Star State Texas and their Sister Provinces in Canada.The guitar playing is first only beef with them is that their style hasn't really the Quo & AC/DC you know exactly what you are going to hear

Not sure what the deal is but Heavy Guitar Oriented Bands with the Big Shows from Canada like Triumph seem to be a real hit in Texas but no where else on that scale

Donnington....where AC/DC had Krokus removed form the bill because they didn't want to be upstaged by a similar sounding lead singer

I think smaller clubs/pubs are better live than your 5000/10000 auditoriums

Our Cold Chisel once performed as The Barking Spiders to about a crowd of 100 stunned revellers in Sydney

Would have been worth a look....with cotton wool in the ears to cope with Jimmy Barnes Screaming vocals
