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Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:02 pm
by andy ide
Agreed, Ravis, the idea for Bitch In A Box wasn't particularly original. I'd seen a scene in which a girl gets out of a box before but the title just dropped into my head and I ran with it.

And indeed it does work both ways. I do find that watching guys getting trampled on by girls is pretty boring though but each to their own.

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:37 am
by Louise Jenson
Id like to say at this point that i am not nieve enough to think i will not appear in films with the title slag or slut etc in them.
For instance i have recently shot movies for Bluebird and for Ben Dover and if they choose to name those movies " filthy slag/slut cum whores" etc i have no control over that... lol
I think the question is like a few people have alluded to in this thread is do we really need to use these terms in the titles of our websites and movies for them to sell ?

Louise Jenson x

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:50 am
by andy ide
There's a danger thinking that way, ravis. When that woman is walking down the street she's not a porn star, she's a private citizen with rights. Ten out ten of them would respond extremely negatively to a male stranger coming up to them and saying that.

Even on set, I would never call a model by one of these names if I didn't feel extremely confident that she would respond positively to myself or anyone else calling her such.

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:06 am
by Diggler69
Sadly this seems to be a common miconception for just about anyone who has a public profile, people think they know the person, sorry but if someone is paid to act then they are doing just that and it doesn't necessarily have anything whatsoever to do with who they are, secondly people have this bizarre idea that they can pass judgement on this persons behaviour based purely on the 3rd hand idea they have about who the person is. C'mon Ravis would you approach an actor who had played a serial murderer convincingly and tell him/her what a nasty twisted sick f**k he was

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:40 am
by Diggler69
"Just saying that if somebody went up to them & said 'Wow I really loved your performance in Double Peneration Bitches 4, you looked really sexy & you were a real slut in your scene' then I think most female performers would be happy that people liked their work & were buying their product. "

Well that is pure assumption !wink!
Most porn stars get paid by the hour and if 100 million people join the site buy the DVD then they get not a penny more although popularity presumably means more maybe better paid requests for her to model

The only porn star i ever met made it absolutely clear that despite the intimate nature of our relationship only Very close intimate long standing friends could even consider making some sort of drty **** comment and get away with it

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:22 pm
by pbphotography

I think that some people put in the names as they are genuinely wanting to degrade.

Other's won't care about that and think it is the way to make money.

Try an experiment. It would cost money though.

To see if you get as big a market share by not using the terms try setting up two sites with very similar content. For example

Call one
In the blurbs that are put in about the model use the degrading termsetc.
Call one
Don't use the degrading terms anywhere.

Put open leg shots of the kind that you do so well in both.

See which gets most hits.

This can be donewith almost any gener of porn and the results noted.

I would bet that the one with the rude terms will get more hits.

Re: What is it with all this slut stuff...

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:13 pm
by oli_cortez
I love sluts!