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Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:55 pm
by jj
.... not forgetting that there's a world of difference between the shallow 'anal
interruptus' of a photoshoot and a two-hour, shot and re-shot, high-colonic
exam from Otto Bauer.

Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:56 pm
by jj
OK, I'll rephrase: it begs LOTS of q's.

Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:10 am
by Diggler69
Indeed it is, which is why i prefer the hands on, sleeves rolled up, trousers down empirical method of discovery -;)
It now appears that in my list of PNS1 ep 1-13, episode 1 was infact a pilot not even sure if that one was broadcast on TVX

Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:23 am
by Diggler69
"I'm saddened that it sounds like she regrets it all and likewise sad to read people slagging her off. She was marvellous."

I agree it is sad AFAIK up until a couple of years ago her attitude to her work in the sex industry was... thats who i am and what i do... you don't like it your problem.
As to people slagging her off well instead of politely asking for the Akanadia forum to be shut down she chose to threaten the entire menbership with what was an almost unbelievably baseless and farcical legal complaint.
If you are stupid enough to use those tactics then not suprising that some people get pissed off. The end result was to create more "internet chatter" about her and her material became more sought after and more available via foruns and torrents. not so much an owngoal but a hatrick

Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:05 pm
by Diggler69
Well if you watch the video at one point the video captures a woman holding a camera so obviously she would have noticed two people pointing lenses at her on top of this there is the totally different action involved camera is kept still press button flash goes off the action of a moving video camera is totally different and remember this dates back 9-10 years ago a video camera would have looked like a big video cam and not a stills camera

Re: Andrea Spinks Hardcore Anal Video !!!! LINK

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:33 pm
by jj
Diggler69 wrote:
>....i prefer the hands on, sleeves
> rolled up, trousers down empirical method of discovery -;)

Glad I don't have to share a lab with you.......