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Re: Bluebird: Will They Ever Release A DVD?

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 4:21 pm
by eduardo
Warren don't be daft.

I don't think for one minute that Randy was making malicious posts. Sure he harped on about it a bit too much but I certainly never interpreted that as being malicious.

Look I don't like to critisice people on these Forums as I think posts should always try to be constructive rather than looking at the negative aspect but you always seem to bring negativity into things and it is has to be said that these Forums were a much better place before you joined them.

In future why don't you try to be positive and more constructive in your posts instead of trying to start arguments for what appears to be for the sake of starting them.

Re: Harassment of a Zevon by something or other

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 5:12 pm
by eduardo
Warren these Forums used to be a nice place.

A place where people had good honest debates, where there was good humour and people could ask for help and get it. Then along you came and completely changed these Forums for the worse. Now there's a lot of negativity and the vast majority of it comes from you.

Super Randy is not hassling Bluebird and I am not hassling you. You are not that important. But you are trying to make something out of absolutely nothing here which is something you seem to specialise in.

Now you may well have been a little unlucky to get reprimanded by the Mods the way that you did but I suspect that the Mods just got fed up with you which isn't hard but saying things like "Mods - over to you" just smacks of sour grapes and being just plain juvenile.

So why don't you give it a rest as you are making something out of completely nothing and not for the first time.

Re: Mods: Harassment of a Zevon by something or ot

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:39 pm
by eduardo
Warren you really are so sad. Have you nothing else to do in your world than read the Forum rules to try to back up what you believe to be an argument.

The fact is that you made something out of absolutely nothing with Super Randy and you simply don't like being told that because you are so juvenile.

Lets also get one thing straight. The only person that thinks you are important is yourself. Certainly not me.

Lets get another thing straight. I don't read 95% of your posts. Firstly because I wouldn't have the time too as you post incessantly and also because experience has told me that from the ones that I have read to expect complete and utter drivel from you. 5% of your posts I do read because they're funny. Not funny in that I'm laughing with you. Funny because I'm laughing at you.

Lastly and I will make this cystal clear. I have nothing to apologise to you for and secondly even if I ever did hell would freeze over before that happened.

I'm off now because I have a life away from this Forum. I'll let you go back to reading the Forum rules.

Re: Mods: Harassment of a Zevon by something or ot

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:14 pm
by Vinnie Bones
Personally, I always thought thread hi-jacking was against the rules too and since when did what either of you two are talking about have anything at all to do with whether Bluebird are gonna release a dvd.....

Since you both know the rules, you wont be surprised to read.....

3.7.6 The persistent hi-jacking of threads can not only be annoying but it degrades the purpose of the forum: the facilitation of the exchange of information pertaining to the British adult entertainment industry. If somebody posts a specific query and the responses made bear no relation to this topic, such posts are liable to be removed even if they do not breach the FAQ.

Re: Mods: Harassment of a Zevon by something or ot

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:18 pm
by eduardo
You really are sad. You twist words to try and make an argument that doesn't exist bu the saddest part is you actually believe the rubbish you talk.

If you actually read my posts you will see I'm not trying to intimidate or discourage anybody although I will state again that this Forum was a better place without you. Much better. You're the one banging the keyboard in temper.

The fact is I don't read 95% of your posts. You can believe the truth or believe whatever you want in your deluded world.

The only reason why I read your posts in this thread was because I've been following this whole topic as I'd like to see the Nat Heck Bluebird stuff. I thought you might amaze me and post something constructive and actually have a helpful answer. I should have known better.

I'm not going to read anymore of your posts on this thread let alone reply so why not save yourself the time and not bother replying as you'll only be talking to yourself.