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Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:58 pm
by one eyed jack
Spanky you are totally within your rights to dislike pregnant porn but contrary to what you think I have defended most aspects of porn in the past.

All I'm saying is that pregnant porn may not be to everyones liking . So what?! Some people might find a2m and girls covered in custard disgusting too.

You exercise your right to dislike I excercise my right to respond.

We can at least agree to disagree here. If this is indeed a pissing contest of opinions then you all win hands down. I said what I said and stick by it.

Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:06 pm
by fudgeflaps
Who gave birth to pregnant porn?

Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:46 pm
by one eyed jack
LOL. I'm sure cave man must have etched this on some cave wall during his early days. Though I'm sure it was just a fetish amongst the few like it is now.

Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:46 am
by fudgeflaps

Man horny. Man want woman. Man can't get woman.

Man bang that one over there with big bump.

That's how it started.

Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:22 am
by one eyed jack
Sorry to keep banging this drum but like most fetishes some one somewhere must buy it as I've heard of series like Ready To Drop and other pregnant movies selling over the years.

Yeah I've shot a few over the years but it wasnt as if I persued it because I'm into it.

I've actually felt more uncomfortable with schoolgirl uniform scenarios than the pregnant thing but yes I've shot one of those because thats what the couple wanted to act out. I feel more comfortable filming couples doing things they want rather than creating it with model on model scenes.

Re: Pregnant porn

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:24 am
by one eyed jack
Ironically that series (Ready To Drop) was shot by a company called Totally Tasteless video which adds credibility to your point !laugh!

Re: At the risk of offending people....

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:39 am
by Tequila_Woods
I challenge you to find a scene with me either a) doing DP or b) getting pee'd on.

And when i was doing porn i did expect to be criticised and often was.

Quite frankly i dont care if i offend anyone with my comments now so im going to say exactly what i think.

Doing porn when pregnant is absolutely disgusting in my opinion. These girls and their partners obviously have no shame. To think that that child could see those pictures when they get older, or even worse, their classmates at school or their peers would be devastating for any normal child. But then i suppose the child may be brought up to believe that selling your body for a couple of hundred quid however many times a week is a normal and respectable way to make a living.

For crying out loud, its 9 months out of your life to chill, sit back and enjoy the pregnancy but obviously some women are that money/attention hungry they just cant do it.

Oh and all this crap about people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones - Go and search as much as you want but you wont find one picture/video of me when i was pregnant anywhere.