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Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:59 pm
by Steve007
Chester will be great -its easier to get to than London :)
Do Chester :)

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:07 am
by strictlybroadband
planeterotica wrote:

> Wheres Chester!happy!

I think it's somewhere outside the M25... there have been rumours of intelligent life out there, but not enough evidence for my liking.

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:44 pm
by Gaslight
What did i tell you about the geezers from "Darn Sarf"! Two miles North Of Watford and they get a f**king nosebleed !grin!

Roger Cock (surely not a Christened name!) I'm sure Wendy was delighted with your suggestion of TWO events. Organising one must be a piece of piss so she will look upon two as a real challenge !whistle!

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:22 am
by Altosax
Would Rather it was London... But then why not comprimise? Chester is a fair old way but maybe the Midlands might be good as it is central England everyone would get a chance to get there.

Just an idea

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:18 pm
by RogerCockUK
Wendy and I go back a long way !wink! And she is a very capable and a totally top lady who I am sure is very busy indeed - however, I was suggesting that if Wendy gave me the details I would organise the Northern BGAFD event if that was acceptable to her and the BGAFD?? !party!

Roger Cock

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:32 pm
by Gaslight
Hey Roger...don't get your knickers in a twist mate!! I was only having a laugh !happy!

Having said that, I think a "split" event would simply dilute the atmosphere, the impact and the attendance

I'll go anywhere for a good party and if that's "Oop North" then great, if it ends up being "Darn Sarf" then great as well!! I'm such an easy lay !grin!

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:13 pm
by Coolcat
I think the location question hinges on whether industry producers and even more importantly, the stars themselves are willing to get there.
Much as I enjoy seeing friends, chatting with like-minded folk etc etc, what sets BGAFD parties apart is the sheer quantity of industry pros who are prepared to enter into the spirit.
I'm more than happy to go to Chester or anywhere in fact, but when I get there I'd like to see pornstars!! There'll be one or two honourable exceptions, but in the main I just don't think they'll go - nor is it perhaps fair to expect them to.

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:28 pm
by bigAl
I see no problem with Scotland, nor indeed Chester.

Let's not forget:

(1) it's been held in London on every previous occasion, so it's time for a change;

(2) fans are spread throughout the UK and without them there would be no industry.

If you don't give it a go you'll never know.

Re: BGAFD Event 6

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:10 pm
by planeterotica
More people live down south so its only fair to have it in London and anyway you cant expect us southerners to travel all the way up north you all talk a funny language we just as well hold it in France lol!happy! but being serious wherever its held and when people put their time and effort into organising it we should make the effort to support it, the only thing is a lot of the models are based in London even if they come from up north and they fit these events in around modelling jobs so if you held it outside of London you may not see to many of the girls there, but wherever its held i will try and get there!happy!