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Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:26 am
by Sharkmad
Had a shoot this week that produced some lovely private content. Serious collectors of private material can have my updated list, just e-mail me;

Please note my new AW page;

Thanks, John.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:02 pm
by smithy89
Hi John. I'd be interested to see what you have got. I've sent you an email :)

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:03 am
by Sharkmad
Updated list available, Published & Non-Publishable content. Please e-mail me and I will send it over.

I think my Private use only content is good value, as other guys seem to charge 2 or 3 times what I do. I'm thinking of putting prices up after Easter, so get in quick before I do.

Good discounts available for bulk buys.

Any older (published) non-HD material is now free! That's on a girl for girl basis with any HD purchase. So buy a HD Lu Elissa video set and get the vids of blowjob with Megan Coxx for free. Or handjob with Jess West. Plus plenty of others.

Have a good Easter and look forward to hearing from you.


Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:46 pm
by typenu
Hi, what happens if a private collector puts those scenes on a porn tube?

Could get tricky in terms of law if you sign those releases and also to prove who uploaded it if you sell to more than one collector.

Just curious how this is solved to stay on the safe side.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:47 pm
by typenu
Hi, what happens if a private collector puts those scenes on a porn tube?

Could get tricky in terms of law if you sign those releases and also to prove who uploaded it if you sell to more than one collector.

Just curious how this is solved to stay on the safe side.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 11:52 pm
by Cee_the_Bee
Speaking as a privateer of several years, any private collector that puts any such material out there on a tube is doing himself a massive disservice. Not only would his idiotic ass be blacklisted (I hope) by the collector community but he would also be putting at risk any future prospect of models working to higher levels privately.

In the community there are quite a few dignified and genuine sellers, buyers, and others with a deep interest in seeing our favourite amateurs showing more, and if one bad apple spoils it for everyone I can't see him lasting very long at all for a number of reasons.

1. Hopefully the model's bf would hunt his ass down.
2. Distrust: no more privileged material.
3. He's de-valuing the very material he himself spent money on.
4. Hopefully the model's bf would hunt his ass down a second time.

Just my 2 cents worth. I have private material that is harder to find than one of King Kong's dumps, but it'll never go anywhere because the trust that that particular model placed in me means more to me than any price.

Never come across such a situation and I hope I never do. A lot of models who put their trust in collectors & photographers are essentially doing a lot of men a huge favour. It's within every individual's best interests to maintain confidence and do the right thing.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:04 am
by Sharkmad
Thanks for that in depth answer. I was trying to put that into words, but you hit the nail on the head there.
Plus I also only divulge the less sensitive content when dealing with a new enquirer, and keep the dynamite stuff back until totally sure they are a serious collector.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:06 am
by ethenp123
Thanks for share this info. what happens about those private collector puts those scenes on a porn tube?

Just curious how this is solved.

Re: Models with higher levels for Non-Published Shoots

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:42 pm
by typenu
Thanks for detailed explaination.

Indeed it would be stupid to give your content you paid a lot of money for free to everyone. I think this is the main reason also because people who can afford to pay higher amounts for private scenes are more reasonable and serious than those kids who pirate everything to earn a few bucks or even do it just for fun.

But if those private content is sold to more than one collector it wouldnt be possible to exactly know who that culprit was.

Moreover there exists a chance that computer is hacked and content gets stolen.

Who is responsible than? Who does sign model release beside the model? Or isn't there any release at all?