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Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:35 am
by Scarlet Grey
Its a joke Terry, all because the said girl is working with us at some point, he turns like this, very very sad, Ive worked for Dusk Films for 5 years now, but he's been going since 2003, and built his way up, his repuation is 100%. No one is perfect sure but his professionalism is second to none, we work with published girls all the time, but we feel every new girl we shoot, we have saved from people like this. Quick whois shows his name is Joseph McMullin, but other than that, it could be lies too. Ive also found a site that lists his address too, just incase we need it.

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:05 am
by one eyed jack
I wouldnt blame Paul if he considered legal action Scarlet

What he has alleged is fighting words where I'm from but the major difference is Paul's reputation has been established for years whereas no one I know has heard of Reality Studios.

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:32 am
by Scarlet Grey
Yeah the address listed is based in Berkshire and the mobile number ending in 11532, if he is going to make up bull shit about a reputable company of 11 years he better hide his online info easier.

The worrying thing is he is contacting people like Lexi Lou, Ashley Rider, Carla Mai, Jaiden West even Stella Cox (who we have worked with). And it looks like the Mods have finally removed the post, after it being up far too long, now it looks like we are all ranting amongst ourselves lol.

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:02 am
by one eyed jack
Copied and pasted on UKAP forum last night with the link if you need it

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:58 am
by Reality Studios
Dear All,

Firstly I have joined here to specifically answer this issue that has gone atomic without need to. Here are the facts:

1. Tabby Anne emailed me (which I have a copy of) telling me that Paul Taylor by name has been telling people I have scammed people in the past
2. I told Tabby that I would contact Paul directly and ask him what the issue was and that is can be liable to talk like that.
3. I did not, will not, have not made ANY comments ANYWHERE about this issue, and any comments made certainly do not come from us
4. I immediately contacted both UKAP and Paul directly to discuss this issue.
5. I forwarded Paul Taylor the email from Tabby Anne in which she made the accusations
6. Paul denied saying those things and I believe him.
7. I have no further issues whatsoever with Paul, and in repeating myself, never made any comments about it anyway?
8. I obviously have a good indication of who is doing this, and I don't appreciate it.


1. I now and will continue to offer PAID UPFRONT shoots to all models and have not scammed anyone at all.
2. I will come back here at the mid-end of July and direct you all to my references on AIR.
3. If anyone has any further issue with me or my business please contact me directly about it, as character assassination in abstentia is both unfair and damaging.

I hope I've cleared it up, again I've not had any issue with Paul, he didn't say anything bad about me, and I never posted anything about him whatsoever.

Have a good day,


Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:25 am
by Reality Studios
Hello all again,

Just one more thing to add...I cannot find this "post" "we" have made anywhere despite many talking about it?

Can someone please direct me to where this post is?

It strikes me as rather stupid indeed if I publically attack an established and well liked person like Paul in public...while I am trying to grow a business.

I am known for stupidity at times, not this stupid however.


I've been in contact with Paul today and he said he will call me later to discuss. I've emailed him the email from Tabby Anne where she says the liable comments.

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:28 am
by one eyed jack
Are you saying that someone set up a profile in your name to make that allegation that Paul makes kiddy porn?

If no one knows you for being a new company why would they do that? Further more I've never heard of a company that was new that had anything to assassinate.

The only motive I can see for this is to draw attention to your company or website. It sees webmasters subscribe to controversy as a marketing tool to get traffic to their sites but using the reputation of a 10 year established producer is the WRONG kind of publicity!

You must understand the ramifications of this highly serious allegation especialy in the midst f the business under close scrutiny with the authorities and the media with ISP pfilters and regulation and wat not.

Normally I wouldnt comment but feel compelled to back Paul up as I've known him for a number of years through his work and his involvement with industry events

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:30 am
by one eyed jack
Perhaps the moderators of the BGAFD can verify your claims if the address you posted from was nothe same as your new one?

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:31 am
by Reality Studios
Jack there is no need to continue this, I have already dealt with this with Paul directly and bloody of course I haven't been saying these things publically, how crazy is that?

I still haven't been shown this post I am supposed to have made? People keep referencing is but I cannot find it anywhere..

ADMINISTRATOR: If you can help with this I would appreciate it! Someone has used my name and my business name to apparently say some pretty horrible things. You are able to find out the email address/details of who created the account yes? Do help me out please.

Re: Female Model looking for work will do HARDCORE

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:33 am
by one eyed jack
The link was copied and pasted onto the UKAP forum last night. Thats how serious it is