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Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:46 pm
by Benson_Media
@Harry Powell.

Sorry for the late reply, been busy enjoying the decadent fruits of my labor.

Regarding the 'pimping'. I prefer to call it 'management'.

But let's call it 'pimping' to amuse your obvious Daily Mail sensibilities.

Yes, I used to pimp out Tigerr. And I was surprised how good I was at it. I enjoyed it on a personal and professional level.

But nowadays I'm too busy. So Tigerr pimps herself out.

It turns out she's better at pimping than me! Bless her.

Now I can't divulge much else, as referring to this kind of work in this forum is breaking mod rules. But suffice to say if you have any cute daughters (over the age of 18 of course), sister, girlfriend or even wife..well, I could come out of retirement.

Heck, I'd even cut you in and give you a finders fee.

But, I'm guessing..I have a hunch, an instinct for these things..that anyone, related to you probably has a face more suited to radio work. No offense intended.

Haha..only joking my friend. BTW, you're not Vicky Powell's dad are you? She's got quite a dark side too.

I digress. Wow, this thread has grown whilst I've been away!

On a more serious note. Your remarks seem to have unsettled a few folks. Especially your inference that us lowly pornographers don't know our craft when it comes to technical specs, equipment and workflow.

Well I'm on your side on this buddy. I think you're absolutely right.

Week in week out I post beautiful, well crafted photo still previews of my work. I take care to shoot adequate b-rolls, cutaways, gather foley and do all my stylistic tinkering in post.

I think it's safe to say I probably have the best workflow of all my peers.

Regarding my equipment. I don't cut corners on this either. The lenses come off the body throughout the shoot. I've been thinking of upgrading to medium format for some of the book work we are doing in Tokyo but..I can't justify it quite yet.

For video, I use a JVC GY HD250. It comes with a fairly ok Fujinon lens but I use an adapter so I can fit my prime lenses to it. It's a bulky piece of kit, especially when monitor, matte box and everything else is attached.

Lately I've been trying to strip it down. So I use a digital sound recorder with twin xlr and match timecode and that gets the mic off the camera. The monitor I put back in it's box and use focus control on camera. I'm shooting a short film for Sanwa in the winter so I'll get it out then or rent a bigger one.

I must say at this point that I always feel odd about renting equipment, probably the same as you feel about renting women Harry old chap.

I'd love to rent an Alexa and a dolly, but I can't really justify them just yet. I sometimes find that if you sit with a tricky situation you can learn more.

Well, I've wittered on too much already. It's 7.45am here in Tokyo and I have a full day ahead of me.

I see from your postings that you're relatively new to this forum. That tells me that you've been thrown off previously for trolling, or you've just wandered in to gawp and sneer at us Adult Industry buffoons.

I for one, hope you'll stay and chat with us. It's a hoot.

Remember - sexy daughters strapped for cash? Send them my way old friend. I'll give you something to whine about ;)

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:12 am
by essexvideophoto
I'd like to throw my hat in the ring there Katie, I've been a film-maker since about 2006 and have had my work shown on TV, loads of hits on YouTube etc. etc.

I use DSLR and standard HD cameras to shoot, please contact me via my Adultwork page.

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:54 pm
by Koko Li

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 4:46 pm
by Pippa_Lily
I'd like to vouch for him Katie as he is my other half!
We could do a girl/girl scene or two if he shoots you! ;)

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:23 pm
by Harry Powell
Hi Tigger

Respectfully, you are not a pimp. You are a prostitute.

If Simon Benson is involved in managing, supervising, advising on your escorting in anyway... that makes HIM the pimp

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 7:52 am
by katiek
I've been very patient but now I'm getting a little peeved off... My post was a genuine request that has turned into a bitching fest. If you'd like to discuss your own issues with each other, please do so on another thread. I' getting very frustrated with the fact that everytime I see a new reply to my request, I find it is only somebody posting something that has nothing to do with my request.

No wonder people stay away from this forum nowadays! Wow....

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:18 am
by one eyed jack

Hasnt it always been this way? Its been like this for as long as I remember and thats the difference with forums and social networks. Any forum with people posting incognito is bound to end up a bitchfest

I did my bit by suggesting the best man for the job. You should approach him if you havent already.

I wouldve thought anyone worthy for the job would have contacted you in private already

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:34 am
by katiek
Some people have but some people have been replying to this post too. No, I remember when I was new to the industry and this forum flurished with posts of kind words, compliments and motivation! Such a shame...

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 3:17 pm
by one eyed jack
Im still that kinda guy !happy!

Re: Looking for a Cinematic Videographer

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 5:22 pm
by katiek
Yes you are but you're one of few!