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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:17 pm
by Modeliciousmodels
The models build there own profiles we can not be held responsible for the whole site it's world wide....... We are simply a third party trying to help if people don't want or need our help they wouldn't contact us they would do it themselves but believe it or not some people do want help and that's what we are for you clearly don't need it and we understand but we have never asked anything from you we simply asked if you wanted to work you have made it clear and that's fine

We don't get involved without anyone's consent hence we would not give out contact details of our models with out there approval I thought you would understand that, I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I gave out your details with out asking which we wouldn't dream of because that's against the law which we like to abide with......


Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:21 pm
by Modeliciousmodels
She is not on my studio infact I have never heard of her I have 5 models at present and none of them are streaming as there paperwork is still pending

We are simply one ligitamate studio we can't be held responsible for everyone on there just our models just like you wouldn't be held responsible for evey film/ production you have every been in Were not the owners of the site were clearly a studio on that site!!


Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:57 pm
by Modeliciousmodels
And just to clear this up we are new to this as everyone has gathered we had great interest shown but this industry is not for every one last week we had 25 models pending and now we only have 5 as we said its not for everyone but they tried but did not feel comfortable and that is great because they communicate with us and if it not for them it is not for them every individual is different I thought models would understand that

We thought this was a site for the industry to ask for help, to advertise and have a general chat in the forums not try and slag each other off we don't want to offend anyone our adds clearly state the same information that we have tried to explain to the best of our ability we are honest with our models and any enquiry about what we do

We have tried our best to contact everyone who has shown interest but it is Christmas and we apologise for any delay we are a family and do have things to do also but we have replied to everyone and every response including the SCAMMER enquiry if we were scamming why would we bother trying to explain or rectify we would of just ignored the issue and moved on .......

But we are a genuine studio on an established website with hundreds of other studios and performers trying to create a unique service to stand out from the rest.. We are not responsible for every single person on there that is down to the website it's self or the American domain holders We guess all We can control is what we do and what our models do and what we can provide which is help.

Thanks for your time feel free to contact us with any quiery

Re: Models wanted

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:02 pm
by Modeliciousmodels
That is not a problem we are new to this we can change our name we just do not want to be listed as a scammer, we have tried our best to clear this up and explain what we do and how we do it, which is more than most would do

We have apologised and confronted the situation because we are genuine!

We are all on here for the same reasons to work and earn money legitimately

Re: Models wanted

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:56 pm
by GTF
I have no issue with you just didn't get the impression you were the same people.

There is an issue with people in the industry claiming that they are people who they aren't so I am sure you can understand the request for clarity.

Good luck with your venture.