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Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:23 pm
by samshaw
Ok for the people that want to know what the emails said it went something like this -

1. I asked what his question was.
2. He replied saying ' i don't actually have one but just wanted to know what you reckon - chelsea or Liverpool.
I didn't reply.
3. 'Swing' emails asking - 'Not amused??'
4. I replied saying im not a football fan and i thought he might have a question regarding the industry as i had seen his other post regarding getting into the adult industry. But as i had only been in for around a year i was probably not the best person to ask anyway and i wished him all the best if he wanted to get into it.
5. You then replied that you just 'wanted to talk and get to know me - did i live in london or elsewhere?'
6. I replied ' im an essexgirl, and sorry but i have a partner so not looking for anyone and thanks for the compliment.
7. You replied that you didnt mean getting to know me like that, thanks for the replies and we shall leave it at that.

Ok, to be honest yes i did find the whole asking me to email you because you 'had a question thing' and then saying 'i dont have questions i just wanted to get to know you better' thing a bit creepy yes. In future perhaps when you want to contact someone state the correct reason for wanting them to email you and then there won't be any confusion.


Attn: Glamourchicks

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:13 pm
by Essex Lad
I do have a question ;-)

But, first, many thanks for the pics of Sam on here - she is stunning and I cannot believe that she is almost 42.

I digress. As you know, one of the rules on here is that we are not supposed to mention models who sideline as prostitutes. I understand the reasons for that and some girls obviously don't want their families/boyfriends etc to know what they are doing. However, on your adultwork site you clearly state which girls are models, which are porn stars and which are prostitutes - has any girl ever asked you not to mention this or is it a subtle way of them being able to be open about what they do without being explicit?

Btw: great pics on there, too.