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Let members vote for the use of condoms

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:34 pm
by videokim
I can understand Jerry taking on a responsibility like introducing condoms would be awkward for ATIA but put it to the members and go with the majority, if you done this we would join immediately but models seem way down the food chain when it comes to what's good for them.
When certs were introduced producers said no one would bother with them but we did and the industry carried on and the same would happen if condoms came into action, to say this would not work seems negative without a vote.
How many models no longer do boy/girl because of the risks and if this carries on the industry will dry up anyway.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:14 am
by rexwantinsex
again, I understand where you're coming from, all I'm saying is that the risk is there for British porn to lose money compared to overseas producers

I know there was talk of LA producers moving out of LA as a result of the condom law, as they understood that condoms put the viewers off, and also kills the creampie niche

the reality that British producers need to face is the internet means that as a punter, I have almost instant access to foreign porn (to pay for, or access for free) and many British "single" pornsites run by "amateurs" just look cheap when compared to European players like 21Sextury or American sites like Brazzers/Bangbros

the only "top quality" visual looking British porn site currently that I can think of is Killergram, I've said it before that many British sites just look like they're run by 1 man and a dog, which is why the internet offers us the choice

A) pay for a British "amateur" site with grainy footage of one couple on a bed
B) pornhub offering me the same, for free.......

as a paying customer, I'll go where the quality is, and any site offering me HD downloads and content which I personally find appealing, that's what I'll spend money on. otherwise, I'll skip the British amateurs and just go to pornhub if I'm purely after a quick wank, I have no interest in what I see as wasting my money on grainy/poor quality video when I can get the same thing for free, and that's where the British amateur sites are losing out - they're not offering my anything that I can't get for free elsewhere

now.... why am I saying all this? because I'm trying to help, as the reality is - the industry has to face up to the fact that the internet means people can get what they want, when they want it, without any of this "well it's the only option I've got" thinking which you seem to be implying with your comment that you'd rather lose a few quid, yes I'm one punter, but what happens if every one of yours does the same thing? that's ALL of your money lost.... and in my experience, I don't care who shoots the content, I'm purely interested in whether the girl/content is appealing to me and that's what makes me spend my money


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:44 am
by Toliverwist
Date: 04-12-12 12:51


The whoha over this aids scare is indeed scary also the attitude to condoms is also a worry. I read a post on here and it shocked me to the core that such attitudes are rife in the industry. No wonder we are sitting here shit scared about one performer - God help us ! a small community wondering just who this person is and then if and when it is released we will be trying to work out who did what to who and the dates and all that so no matter who it is we all have to take stock.

Condoms - A big must - we all owe this to each other and to the industry - we need to take stock of this and understand.

Any performer has the absolute right to stipulate in their profile that they will not undertake bg work without a condom being used.

Don't they?


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:28 am
by Trinity
So if this negative test was done in January surely the other performers concerned would have been contacted a lo9ng tim ago?

Yes it's good news for the person concerned but where does that leave the rest of us!?

Why was the rest of the industry only informed a few days ago?

I accept that it's been a false alarm and that the second test was negative but for god sake who in their right mind would leave it 3 or 4 months to tell anyone!?!?

Maybe if the person concerned is reading these posts then they could email AITA/Paul Jones and answer the questions raised???



Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:11 am
by lowerloft

I am not sure where you are getting your dates from but they are totally wrong.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:14 am
by Nob3y
There has been word going round that this started in january.
Now how true that is I dont know as the rumour mill has been in full swing and you know how rumours can go.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:33 am
by lowerloft

Of course rumours are going around, this is the UK adult industry. Shame people are not using some common sense but want to just make stuff up and stir things up trying to be funny.

AITA dealt with this in a quick professional manner and will be releasing a full press release to bring this matter to a close.

They are then setting up a working group to look at future protocol and if there are ways to improve the current system, there will then be an meeting for performers and producers to discuss this, but at the end of the day this proves the system works of 30 days testing and the industry should be proud that it worked together to act so quickly as soon as the results notice was given to the performer involved.

I trust this will be an end to the gossip and stupid rumours.


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:37 pm
by Trinity

Reading other posts on here suggests the first test was done in Jan.

Hence why I've asked for clarification on dates/performers concerned and not just the one with the positive result.



Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:25 pm
by Nob3y
Yes can we have this please?


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:47 pm
by videokim
You need 3 tests with time between them (for incubation) to know for sure so how did this person get all 3 tests done straight away...what clinics have the knowledge to do this & please PM the details to me as it don't ring true.
Models will have to still be careful until the person in question as a third test by an independent clinic.
Will this clinic in question still be used by the industry after this cockup?