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Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:45 pm
by videokim
"One of the reasons is: we are not actually allowed to sell "physical product" over here unless we put it through an expensive censorship process and can find a licensed retail outlet that is not controlled by an exclusive cartel."

You have answered this thread & several others in one go lol!

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:24 pm
by juststartingpov
I have read with interest this rate debate and i have to say with booking models of recent nearly every one of them had a different rate when i asked about POV scenes

In the end i decided to offer a rate i thought was fair and not one model turned it down or suggested i should up the rate.

I think its down to the models either they take the offer of work for the fee or dont because those that dont take the offer there will ALWAYS be those who will take it with open arms and glad of the work.

just my little input

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:26 pm
by juststartingpov
I was wanting to book you Chloe since seeing you do POV shoots here

But now reading this i would imagine your rates are out of my league but i doubt you were paid US rates for an Adultwork page surely not????

Could you email me your rates please


Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:37 pm
by juststartingpov
ahh but this isnt the US nor has an adult industry as big as the US.

A lot of models i have shot will i am sure go and work in the US eventually but everyone has to start somewhere dont they. I am quite positive your US rate wasnt what you were quoting when your first started was it?

You might be shooting yourself in the foot regarding other work by comming accross to some as a know it all..not that i think that but seeing some of the responses it certainly looks that way.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:52 pm
by juststartingpov
But hold on a second he is an agent!!! at the end of the day of course he wants models to get the highest rate they can get because then his percentage of YOUR money is larger is it not!!!

I am quite sure you could call around most of the same companies he gets you work at and the way you look it shouldnt be a problem for you to get work and keep ALL of YOUR money

All he does is make phone calls,put you on his model website and sits back and creams a percentage

in this day an age with the way the internet is etc you could do all your bookings yourself and fuck agents off couldnt you??

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:00 pm
by mybeautifultease
I understand where you are coming from, the typical impression of an agent is that they do very little other than handle some, if not all, of the models diary. However, there is a lot to be said in my opinion for agents and agencies, my view regarding these bodies has been made clear above and though I understand some of the reasons for not wanting them to come back to the industry I feel the benefits, to me as a producer would outweigh the negative.

Basically, I'd be comfortable paying a percentage or flat fee for their services to remove the hassle, the negotiations and the no-shows from my work.

Agencies and agents work well for Glamour and Film areas of performance so why not in the adult industry.

The mentality of 'saving a few quid, I'll do it myself' is what lead to the agencies and agents suffering a rather abrupt extinction, as explained above.

America isn't great and their business model is far from perfect It looks great on the surface to me but I don't have any experience of it. My suspicion however is that it would be a shitty place to work unless you were one of the many, big hitters. I think UK porn has a style that America just doesn't put out and I think generally speaking that our girls are much more down-to-earth and 'all-there.'

But isn't best practice an element of business planning all businesses have and we don't seem to be learning from either the American's or Europeans. Not just the people involved in the UK industry but also our government and established studios.

I don't consider chloe to shooting herself in the foot but rather sharing her experience and thoughts, nothing more. She is bringing a perspective to this debate from across the pond, I suspect few of the contributors to this debate so far have this inside point of view.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:21 pm
by juststartingpov
i hear what your saying but shes australian in the uk complaining about how we in the UK handle rates etc

its quite simple really if she doesnt like how we work here then bon voyage because it hasnt changed here in years and it wont change just to please a new model who quite frankly from what i have seen has done the so called small producer shoots,man with a cam POV see my link earlier,but now expects top dollar in fact US rates thats well and good but just because you want something doesnt mean you will get it.

Masie on the other hand understands that the industry here is minute compared with over the pond so rates fluctuate up and down according to model,producer etc

We have our own unique style over here and i dont think there is any need to change it...just my thoughts anyway.

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:18 pm
by one eyed jack
Derek is more than just a mere agent pov.

he espcets a certain level of professionalism that if he doesnt get then the girl gets tossed out quick fast. No room for lazy, junkies with Derek.

I hear a lot of people dont like him but the man runs his business sharp and is reliable hence why he gets top dollar for his girls and the girls like him for it because the money is what everyone is about in the US.

Thing is that could apply here too but so many girls are slack and want top dollar for doing fuck all and by which I mean, unrelaible in time keeping, answering emails, and everything that goes with unprofessioanla attitudes.

Seriously part of the business being the way it is is also down to teh someof the girls. not all which is why some can command better rates than others.

Theres nothing worse than a model who turns up wanting top rate then expects you to supply stuff that they shoul dhave in their kit.

You wouldnt see me asking them for a spare battery or HDV tape if I forgot mine so why shoudl I pack lube, wipes and sucj in with my kit.

Professional attitudes command professional rates and none of this inflated fee just to perform basic sex either. i want to see sparks flying out of that pussy if Im expected to pay over the odds for it.

Thing is, getting sparks also requires a stud of an equal calibre to dliver too otherwise whats the point?

Re: Rates Debate

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:19 pm
by SxciiSooky

If you think all Chloe has done is "the so called small producer shoots" etc, then I suggest you do a bit more research first !wink!