Brit Porns Dying

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
Officer Dibble

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Officer Dibble »

Excuse me my dear, but that is certainly not the kind of unsophisticated expression that the Officer would normally employ. If you would care to read the above posts (or see below) you will see that I was just quoting Dane's words back at him.


Date:???02-23-03 06:33

yeah but the point I was making Dibble was no matter how much worse its got it's still a damn site better than most other jobs. Okay maybe theres not millions in it, not even thousands, but im sure the competent among you break even with a little bit to spare. ok maybe the birds arnt as tasty what, the difference is pay most blokes a hundred quid they will happily stuff some boxes for you, pay them a penny and theyll stuff even the roughest looking half decent sort you care to throw in front of them. In fact theyd probably pay for you for the privilage. As I said I'd quite happily do it for free.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Wendy »

Officer Dibble

But surely you therefore agree with it? Many people would agree that as a distributor doing down your 'own' product by words such as "the 'new birds' are about as appealing as a soggy loaf of Mother's Pride" are just as bad.

Your petard up which you've hoisted yourself much surely be worn out by now?


PS Ace, this is your fault lol

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by mutanthalibut »

See you can do it if you try
Officer Dibble

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Officer Dibble »

Defeatist? Hey, I may sound a little glum but there are still things I?d like to do and try, just to satisfy and amuse myself if nothing else.

I don't think the market need "spicing up" - if by that you mean porn should become more 'hard-core' and extreme, as that's one of the things that is turning mainstream buyers off. My vision would be to 'get back to porn basics' - simple no nonsense fuck and suck scenes put into some context or senario, featuring unaugmented, unpretentious performers. Maybe inject a little sexual tension - will she or won't she? Try and find some extremely and naturally attractive girls to make rationed appearances in the odd movie, build them up, give them an air of mystique by not over exposing them and not letting them do anything to ?dirty.?

Job with Terry Stephens? You're in luck. Me 'n' Terry are like that. So next time I see him I could put a word in if you like?

Officer Dibble

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by Officer Dibble »

"But surely you therefore agree with it?"

Not at all. The reason I quoted it back at Dane is that I was taking issue with it. Otherwise I would simply have said "Agreed" as I did with the other bits of Dane's post that I did agree with.

Hey, it gives me no great pleasure to 'do down' but we must face reality and I'm afraid the fact is that 'new birds' are not flicking the punters switches - for various reasons that I've already gone into. I've given them the chance. I've hired them. But when you spend ?400 quid to shoot a girl then offer thousands of customers the video, only to get two takers at ?15.00 quid each, it does not build your confidence in them as desirable commodities. If I've only got two orders in the first rush of sales when pray will I get my ?400 quid back, never mind earn some wages? It's not me who's saying they're crap, it's the punters. It's a shame about the girl in question as she was very pleasant, easy going and agreeable and you can't always say that about the few girls that the punters are keen on seeing.

Because the Officer is courageous enough to point out the deficiencies of various groups, individuals or parties some people can forget that he also lavishes extravagant prise on those that have impressed him - I believe I had some good things to say about Rachel Travers a while back and because I ration my praise when I do have good things to say you can be sure I'm not mouthing platitudes or taking bull.

By the way, you keep replying to the wrong posts.


Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by woodgnome »

valx wrote:
> I've noticed frustrations here and there in this site about
> getting product. Some constructive criticism - why not
> create a place at bgafd where fans can post their experiences
> good or bad with buying and those who sell it?

AARGH! but there IS such a place and it's a single click to your left...

you can now post your experiences, whether good, bad or indifferent, on every site listed in our links review section (currently, 331 sites with more being added weekly).

if you haven't checked it out yet, please do so. the more people that contribute to it, the more of a resource it becomes, on a par with the rest of the site.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by golostruda »

*butts in before Dibble and Wendy start wrestling (not that I wouldn't mind watching Wendy wrestle)* I think a lot of it is just porn consumers and directors getting old and cynical. Of course the current girls aren't going to be as pretty as last year's or the year before's. Why? Because you are getting jaded. The more porn you watch or produce, the more of a battering your taste buds take - the same reason that old people need to add more spice to their food to get the same savoury 'hit'.

However, if the perceived 'quality' (however you care to measure it) of the new girls coming through has seen a drop, perhaps there is a very obvious explanation. Maybe the decriminalisation of hardcore porn in the UK - via the huge liberalisation in the R18 criteria - is actually acting as a deterrent. A couple of years back a girl could get up to all sorts on camera knowing it wouldn't be seen in the UK (eg by people she knows), or at least, only in an illegal form (leaving the viewer reluctant to admit to seeing it). Nowadays the same girl would be appearing not as a performer in a boxless pirated copy of a film, but in a boxed version avaiable from hundreds of retail outlets with their image all over the full colour cover.

Outside of Britain there doesn't seem the same problem. Genuinely stunning catwalk models from Eastern Europe do porn as the financial rewards are far greater than they are used to in the workplace in general, and the social stigma far less than here in the "repressed" UK. The average salary for a secretary in London is around ?400 a week, the same Dibble says he pays for a scene from a new girl. Compare that to the Eastern European equivalent pay differential.

The fact is that there are hundreds of absolutely stunning British women out there having sex for money - just take a look at any decent escort website (remember to squint a bit if the face is blurred out) - but the vast majority of them won't do it on film. With shows like Pop Idol conjuring up the fantasy that anyone can become a celebrity, a lot of girls simply don't want to risk some (infitessimally small) chance of that stardom for one week's wages and a film of them being shagged by a beer-bellied bloke from Runcorn all over the nation's retail shelves (and the tabloids' radar). It's rumoured that a famous pop star's wife used to work as an escort. Had she also worked as a porn actress, it would be more than a rumour (photographic evidence would be plastered across the tabloids) - would she be in that mansion and doing that charity work now in those circumstances? Almost certainly not.

So what is the solution? The solution is for the producers and directors to stop whinging about the quality of the girls and (even more often) the blokes on offer, and start thinking of more imaginative ways to present those sexy, professional experienced performers - the Wendys of this world - that they do have. Film them with pubes, film them shaven; film them wearing wigs, with and without Henna tattos, film them as blondes, brunettes, redheads and green-haired punks; film them in different clothes (not the tacky cocktail dresses of popular cliche, but the hooded Slipknot tops and pocket-strewn army jeans that young women actually wear); film them in different environments (in swimming pools with underwater cameras, on bouncy castles, across bar surfaces); film them in different scenarios, not just the same old slapper-in-suburban-semi thing (it's no surprise that the Laura Singer tennis girl scene is the one everyone remembers and seeks out from Ben Dover's oeuvre); film them in different combinations (a 2M/10F might be more expensive, but what a unique selling point on the shelves); don't film them the exact same way everyone else does. Credit the public with at least some desire for variety, some lust for life.

I don't think it's a shortage of new girls that's the problem here, rather a shortage of new ideas.

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by jj »

Bad example for the epitome of porn, I think: many people find Sarah's squeaking performances, the overblown sets, etc. simply laughable.
Much of, say, the French/Italian output, on the other hand.....

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by jj »

Packaging = the stuff on the outside.
Content = the stuff on the inside.
The two quantities are usually in inverse proportion to each other.......

Re: Brit Porns Dying

Post by jj »

......reluctantly agree.......I can see the Euro/US biz surviving, indeed flourishing: but it's hard to see where the Brit industry will go without external finance requiring some legislative relaxation.